9: A Bad Day

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A/N: Hi guys I'm back! I'm doing much better now, thanks for being so patient and understanding!

Alex Torres' POV:

I'm walking towards the subway when I hear whimpering and crying. I go to investigate, walking into a small ally between some apartment buildings, and see a small figure curled in a ball next to the dumpster. As I get closer, I can hear them weakly call out, but I can't quite hear what they said. When I reach the figure, I realize it's Peter; He's unconscious, and there's someone on the phone with him.

I cautiously pick up the phone, and speak into it.

 "Hello?" I hear a sigh of relief and then a man speaks, or rather, he shouts.

"Yeah hi, who is this and what have you done with my FUCKING SON"

"U-uh I'm Alex, I go to school with Peter. I didn't do anything I swear, I just f-found him here unconscious." I stutter through my explanation as I check peter over. He seems to be badly beaten, definitely a broken leg and elbow.

"Where are you? Can you tell me the street name?" 

"Uh I'm sorry sir I-I don't know, we're in some random allyway a-about  5 blocks from school."

"Ah shit." I hear him mumble, followed by some mechanical sounds. 

"I'll be there in 5, stay there." He says, then hangs up.

I look down at Peter and see that he's losing a lot of blood from a cut on his side. I rip off some of my shirt and press it to the wound, hoping it's enough to keep him from bleeding out. I'm close to panicking, because I'm the only thing keeping this boy alive at the moment. And he just so happens to be my crush, which makes everything 10 times worse because I'd never forgive myself if he died because of me. 

I don't realize that someone has walked up behind me until they touch my back softly.

"It's okay kid, I'll take it from here. You did good." 

I don't let go of Peter. I don't even look up at who's speaking. I just sit there, crying. The Man goes around to peter's other side and I finally glance at who it is. It's Tony Fucking Stark. In his Iron Man suit.

Tony's POV:

The kid finally looks at me, and he recognizes me instantly. I'm only worried about Peter right now, and I know that flying him to the tower will probably kill him. I call the Wizard and tell him to portal to my location right away. Next I call Bruce, telling him that we have a Peter situation and to be ready in the medical floor when we get to the tower.

Within three minutes of calling that Strange dude, he portals into the ally and helps me gently carry Peter through it. 

"You can come too kid," I say, turning back to the speechless teen covered in blood. He doesn't say anything, just picks up his backpack as well as Peter's, and follows us through the portal.
We step right into the medical bay, and Strange lays Peter onto a medical table. Bruce rushes in, and Stephen guides the kid out of the room, probably towards a guest room so he can get cleaned up. 

"Jesus Tony, what the hell happened to this kid?" 

"I don't know Bruce, I don't know." I reply sadly, filled with worry. "The kid just can't catch a break."

"Tony... I-I don't know if I can do this. Peter has lost a lot of blood and I'm not exactly this kind of doctor." Bruce says grimly, looking at me and expecting me to tell him what to do.

"Do what you can. Strange will be back any minute, and he can help. Let the other doctors help too. Just whatever you do, don't let him die." I say, on the verge of tears. Bruce nods at me and I leave the room, too overwhelmed to stay any longer. 

I'm not allowed in the room while they work, because I'd stress them out even more, so I find the kid that found Peter, and I sit down with him in the living area. 

"So how do you know Peter?" I ask.

"Oh, uh... We go to school together. We don't talk, but I lent him my shirt today." 

"What's your name, kid?" 

"A-Alexander Samuel Torres, b-but everyone calls me Alex. I- I know who you are sir, I'm a huge fan. You're my favorite hero." The kid mumbles the last part, seeming embarrassed. 

"I sure don't feel like a hero. Couldn't even save my own kid from bullies at school." 

"W-wait... Peter is your kid?" Alex asks confused.

"Uh not really. I'm just very close to the kid and I don't have any children of my own, so I guess I've fallen into the habit of seeing him as my son. " I reply with a small smile.

We sit in silence for a while, and eventually Alex falls asleep. I sit there, alone with my thoughts until Strange walks in. I instantly stand up, and without even having to ask about Peter, he smiles and nods. I wake Alex up and we go see him together.

I let out an audible gasp when I enter. He's lying in an infirmary bed, connected to several tubes and wires. His right shoulder is in a sling, and his other arm in a cast. His left leg is wrapped in bandages and there's a large brace over it, but the right leg seems to be unharmed. He has a terrible black eye, and his lip is really swollen. 

Alex is crying and sits in a chair behind me, but I just stand and stare in shock. Bruce comes in and leads me into the hallway. 

"The kid is pretty messed up. Hes got a shattered kneecap, dislocated shoulder, fractured wrist, and several intense cuts and bruises. We've given him lots of pain meds, but he'll be hurting pretty bad for a while." 

I look at Peter sleeping, and he seems almost peaceful. I know I should let him rest, but I need to know what happened. I turn back to Bruce and say, "How long until he wakes up?"

"He should be awake soon, but he'll be really dazed. Be gentle with him." 

With that, I walk back into Peter's room and sit besides Alex, and I just watch Peter.

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