Friday Nights

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I'm amazed at how many new readers have been coming to my page! I want to welcome everyone and say that you're all lovely and every single one of you means so much to me.
Enjoy the story !!
"Pass me some more paint," Melanie said. She had only painted on half of the ribbon belonging to her breast cancer symbol. She grabbed the pink paint from Payton, finishing the last little bit on her face.

She checked herself in the mirror, making sure there wasn't anything off about the symbol. After everything looked good, she slipped her pink spandex shorts on under her pink tutu.

The girls checked themselves again in the mirror, before grabbing their bags.

"I can't believe you actually managed to convince me to go to a football game." Melanie said, looking to Payton. Payton just flashed a perfect smile, her white pearly teeth remind Melanie of why she didn't smile.

"It's something that only I could've done."

Melanie rolled her eyes at her cocky friend, but couldn't help smiling. She knew it was true, there was only one girl who could convince Melanie to go to a football game. And her name was Payton.

Once the two girls finished their final touches, the got into Payton's new car. And to Melanie's jealousy, it was a Porsche. She said that her parents bought it for her when she killed Fay, kind of like a reward to encourage her to keep going.

As bad as it sounded, Fay's death didn't impact her friendship with Payton. As a matter of fact, it seemed to have made Mel and Payton inseparable. Since Payton now had a drive to protect her best friend, she was willing to do anything for her.

"So how are you and your man?" Payton asked as she drove, looking at her friend who was messing with her seat.

"Great, actually. We're going to the Caribbean soon."

This took Payton by complete surprise, not bothering to hide it as she shot her friend a face of shock.

"When?" Payton questioned, taking a sharp right at a turn that she almost missed.

"Winter break," Melanie responded. She looked at Payton, acting as if this news wasn't anywhere near interesting. She did find it interesting though, even Melanie was surprised that Issac would take her.

"But that's only two weeks away," Payton said, "What am I supposed to do without my best friend?"

"Study maybe? Find a hookup? I don't know, something fun." Melanie said, turning her head to see that they were already pulling into the school. She glanced nervously at the students who all walked in crowds towards the field.

"Already got a hookup," Payton grinned, "I think you might actually know her."

Melanie stared suspiciously at Payton, who applied some more bubblegum pink lipstick, popping her lips.

"Anyways, let's get going. We need to get good seats." Payton said, opening her car door. She stepped out, staring at a group of girls in short skirts who passed them. Melanie rolled her eyes, also stepping out of the car.

No more than a couple of seconds passed before a group of boys approached Melanie and Payton. Though, they actually didn't give that much attention to Payton.

"Is that Melanie Mayor?" The tallest one said, but it was someone that Melanie didn't recognize. Nevertheless, she nodded and placed a bright smile on her lips.

She wasn't doing this to flirt in anyway, but apparently the guy took it that way.

"The name's Eric, we had health together in freshman year."

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