The Boy

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Anyone wanna make me a cover? I'd be so happy if you did!
Hope you like the chapter.
"So let me get this straight," Knoll paused, "You're planning to get on my back, while I'm a dragon, and 'shoot' it with a tungsten arrow?"

He looked between Melanie and Payton, and Payton just nodded nonchalantly. She didn't see any flaws to her plan which she had just told everyone.

"And what will they be doing while this is happening?" Knoll questioned, already not in favor of this dangerous plan.

That's when Payton dumped out the rest of the weapons onto the ground,

"They'll be distracting it while we get this done." She answered, picking up one of the tungsten machetes and staring at it. "I've hunted all sorts of creatures, even a Chimera shouldn't be too big of an issue."

Melanie glanced at Knoll, and then at Issac, who both looked nervous. They all doubted this plan very much, and so did Melanie. But she didn't show it, she trusted that Payton knew what she was doing.

"But before this, Mel and I must get to school," Payton said. Melanie shot her a skeptical look, but before she could protest Payton cut her off. "Melanie, you need to go. Your attendance is awful and so are your grades."

Mel's urge to protest disappeared almost instantly when she realized she really did need to go. Melanie nodded, before she sauntered off to get dressed.

That left everyone in the room, except for Mel.

"Please watch out for her," Issac pleaded, "I'd lose myself if anything happened to her."

Payton stared at him, offering him a small smile.

"She's my best friend, I'd die before I let anything happen to her."

And Payton meant that, Melanie was everything to her. Sure she had other friends, and some possible lovers, but Melanie was her best friend. Her sister. And Payton would do anything for Melanie.

Issac and Payton stared at each other in understanding, both sharing a common goal. And that was to keep Melanie safe.

A few minutes later, Melanie came downstairs dressed in one of Issac's T-shirts and jeans. She looked at Issac with a cheesy smile, knowing that the shirt she wore caught his attention.

He walked over to Melanie, eyes filled with love and longing. He had never been so proud of one of his shirts until he saw it on Melanie. It engulfed her, but she had it tucked in a little bit so it didn't look too big.

Issac reached her, kissing her forehead and pulling her in for a hug.

"You look gorgeous," He whispered. He couldn't see Melanie's blush, but he knew that she was doing just that. It was Melanie, she was almost predictable in a cute way.

"Are you coming with today?" Melanie asked, looking up at Issac with big eyes. They seemed to twinkle under his gaze, and Issac's heart melted when he stared even farther into them.

"Of course I am, but I won't be there until third period." He said, explaining that he and Knoll had some business to take care of.

"Okay, well just don't do anything stupid." Melanie said, pecking him on the lips before stepping away. She smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"I won't, I love you," Issac said, "Oh, and don't forget, full moon is in three days." He watched Melanie grab her bag, and wrap a jacket around herself.

"I love you too," She replied, "And I've learned how to control it, remember?"

Issac just rolled his eyes, giving her a look that said he didn't believe her. But he knew that she had gotten a lot better at controlling it, ever since that first full moon she'd really worked on control.

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