Guilt and Grief

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New cover, what do you guys think? I know I change covers a lot, but I really want to find the perfect cover for this story!!
Hope you all enjoy!!
Water ran down Melanie's body, washing away the dirt and oil that had been present for days.

It was the first time since Payton's death that Melanie had showered, and it was the first time since Payton's death that Melanie had space. She had been being followed around by everyone, who feared that she was going to hurt herself.

And she really wanted to. Melanie desired death, to be free of the guilt and grief that she felt. It had finally managed to consume the girl, like a boa constrictor swallowing its prey whole. The aftermath of Payton's death had caught up to her. And it killed Melanie.

She held her body tightly in the shower, trying to make sure that her cries weren't loud enough to attract attention. She knew that Issac had been watching her, and she knew that he was also listening.

So Melanie tried to hide her sobs under the running water, wishing to drown out the voices in her head. She was also trying to drown out her wolf, which was begging Melanie to be let out.

She didn't care about anything right now. She didn't care that she hadn't eaten for two days, or that her friends were worried sick for her. She felt nothing but the results of her best friends death.

And everyone picked up on it.

Issac, the shewolves, Zeus, Peter and Knoll all sat in the living room. They crowded in a circle so they could keep their voices down, so that Melanie wouldn't hear them.

"I'm worried for her," Issac said. He stated the obvious, and that was that everyone was worried for her.

"I tried to talk to her yesterday," Jess said, "But she just stared off into space."

"And not to mention she's refusing to eat," Knoll added in.

"You have to realize her best friend, her only friend for years, is dead." Nut said, feeling like she was the only one who understood Melanie's grieving. Though she wanted Melanie to be safe, to stay alive, Nut understood what she was going through.

"Yeah, but there's a point where it's past grieving," Issac spoke, "There's a point where it's dangerous. And Melanie's at that point."

Nut couldn't help but agree with Issac, she knew that Melanie was already a flight risk before Payton's death. Now the death of her friend could've just stirred the pot even more.

"Well how does Melanie learn to cope?" Peter asked, his face stricken with worry. He really didn't want anything happening to his beta, who he had started viewing as a little sister.

"That's something she has to do on her own," Knoll replied, "We can't teach her to forgive herself or move on. Only time can heal her."

"Yeah?" Issac hissed, "Well what if in her mind, she's out of time?"

Issac's worry and fear had seeped through his tough guy exterior, revealing a guy who really cared about Melanie.

What Issac had said really hit everyone hard, the lingering thought of Melanie giving up was fresh in their minds.

They knew Issac was right. Melanie was shutting herself down, and it was only a short while before she was lost completely.

The group all stood up in panic when they heard a loud crash, and a scream come from upstairs. But before any of them could move, Issac was already up the stairs and throwing open the door.

He looked for Melanie, who was on the floor screaming. She was shaking and crying and doing everything that her panicked state would allow.

"I saw her!" She sobbed, her naked body clinging around Issac's for life. She completely ignored everyone else who was gathered in the doorway. They stared at her in horror, not knowing what to do.

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