Tailed Beasts Reunite and Meet Their Hosts

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Previously on Unrevealing Our True Selves Chapter 5 Jinchuriki Reunite: Naruto, Naruko, Sakura, Sasuke, Sasuko, Sai, and Saika formally met each other. They heard a voice inside their head and fainted and woke up in some unknown place with 7 red gates holding something inside.

The kids woke up to see 7 red gates each holding something inside. "Who are you and how did we get here," all the kids minus Naruto said each stepping in front of their sisters in a protective manner. 'Hello little ones you must be very scared and confused about how you got here and where you are and who we are aren't you' the two-tailed cat said.

"No need. This is our mindscape and I presume you're all the tailed beast sealed within all of us. You're Kurama and Kyoka the twin nine-tailed kitsunes. You're Kokou and Kokoua the twin five-tailed horse dolphin hybrids. You're Isobu and Isaya the twin four-tailed turtles. And you are Matatabi one of the twin two-tailed neko and your twin brother Matatatia who is sealed in Sakura brother Sakuno is your twin" Naruto said.

'Damn he really is the son of Kushina Uzumaki' Kurama said getting hit by Kyoka. 'Ow, what was that for' Kurama said rubbing his paw. 'Don't cuss in front of the kids' Kyoka said. 'Sorry for his language' Kyoka said. "Wait he's right" everyone minus Naruto said. 'Yep' Kokou said. "I told you Nii-chan was smart," Naruko said.

'Sakura I'm your tailed beast Matatabi the twin beast of the 2 tails. I'm the one who healed you after your mom's maniac abuse towards you' Matatabi told Sakura which made her fall in remembering her mother abuse causing Sakuno to be taken away. The girls then hugged her again while the boys clenched their fist. "Thanks for that" Sakura said to them.

'Sasuke I'm your tailed beast Kokou the twin beast of the 5 tails' Kokou began. 'And Sasuko I'm your tailed beast Kokoua the twin beast of the 5 tails' Kokoua said. 'We are the ones who lead you to the letter your brother left for you' they both said at the same time.

'Sai I'm your tailed beast Isobu the twin beast of the 4 tails. I'm the one who gave you the ability to dodge effortlessly' Isobu said. 'And Saika I'm your tailed beast Isaya the twin beast of the 4 tails. I'm the one who gave you the ability to run super fast that and because...' Kokoua said trailing off remembering the secret they were told to keep until their host raised to the age of 13. "Because of what," Saika asked. "It doesn't matter you'll know soon enough," Naruto said as he already knew about the secret as well as many others.

"Wait I just realized something," Naruko said. "You were the twins who would always sit at the docks by yourself staring into the river," Naruko said pointing at Sasuke and Sasuko. "And you two were always at the park drawing in the sand," Naruko said pointing to Sai and Saika. "And you were always punching things out of rage," Naruko said to Sakura which then made her rub the back of her head.

"Same here, we always caught you staring at us as if you knew us," Sasuke and Sasuko said. "That cause you both look so much like your brother," Naruko pointed out as she got kicked by Naruto for saying that. "What you know our brother, how, do you know why he killed our clan," Sasuke and Sasuko asked desperately. "I'll tell you guys later," Naruto mouthed to Sasuke and Sasuko. Sasuke and Sasuke then shook their head slightly signaling to Naruto "ok". "You two were always at the park," Sasuko said pointing to Sai and his sister. "And you were always punching things," Sasuke said.

"Guys don't you realize our lives were always connected from the day Kurama, Kyoka, Matatabi, Matatatia, Kokou, Kokoua, Isobu, and Isaya were sealed in us. We were connected even before we met each other. Guys, we are each other family. See look in the scroll our mother left for us. She said we would soon meet several others just like us." Naruto said taking out the scroll and pointing to it. "And in your scroll, Itachi even said you would meet others like yourself," Naruto said holding the scroll. "How did you even get that" Sasuke and Sasuko both asked. "Oh sorry here you go," Naruto said as he handed them back their scroll.

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