chapter 26

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Marwah's  pov :

From last two hours I'm trying to sleep.  But sleep is far away from me .

As he said he sended Dad's resignation later to my house.

When i took that to my dad he was shocked.  He tried calling him his PA said that mr.khan is busy in a meeting. 

Dad is really sick and worried donno what's going to happen. 

Only my Allah can save us from this situation. 

I'm praying and praying hoping that tomorrows morning will bring a good news for us . INSHALLAH .

After crying for hours sleep took over me .

As soon as the sunlight falled on me i opened my eyes all the events came rushing in my mind.

I just hope its a nightmare but unfortunately there are some nightmares from which we can't run . We need to face them at any cost .

I took a shower and went towards the dining hall to meet two sad faces . What i have done? Allah i wished to bring smile on this faces not sadness. 

"Assalamualaikum mom dad .I greeted them .

"Aaa ... walaikumasalam .They both are disturbed.  And worried.

I looked at there plates . There food was untouched.

"Why you guys are not having breakfast? "   i asked them but i think Dad didn't heard me i called him again.

"Dad ? he looked at me i signed towards the plate.

"Lets start our breakfast Ayesha.Dad said and both of them started having there breakfast slowly.

I took a hold of Dad's hand and said

"Dad don't worry I'll find a job . We'll be fine financially....he nodded his head negatively.

"No marwah . You don't need to worry about this . Your dad can handle all this princess . "

"Beside you have vacations right?  Why don't you visit Aftab for some days .? He will be always calling you . And umair is not at home . They are feeling alone princess.  I suggest you to visit there for some days ."

"By the time you'll be here inshallah everything will be settled down .He said as if he really want me to go there.

But in actual i know they can't even have a meal without me and here he's asking me to leave.  I need to obey him.

"What about you guys Dad . If i go there you both will be left alone right.."  i tried giving a reason to him.

"Ohho don't worry about us honey we will be alright.Mom assured me .

"You guys want me to go . Okk I'll go . But you both promise me to take care of yourselves. ?

They both nodded there heads

"Promise....They both smiled saying this to me .

I sat near the window thinking about my life .

Aftab uncle is my dad's cousin brother.  He sees me as his own child .

He have a son Umair. umair bhai ...

He is the best bhai in this world. 

After dad my protector and close friend is bhai .

He is 5 years elder than me  always he tease me and one more  thing he can't see me sad he'll do anything to make me happy. 

I remember one day i was in my sixth standard one night i wanted to eat icecream .

I requested bhai he was not able to deny me . He took Aftab uncles car keys and took me to the ice cream parlour. 

After we came back . Uncle beated him really badly for robbing his car keys all my family was worried for me .

Bhai took all the credit on him and said he took me with him forcefully. 

Bhai ... my wonderful brother. 

They always invite us to Dubai but we never visit there because of Dad's busy schedule. 

Now when I'm going there bhai is not present. 

He started his own company in Australia.  Alhamdulliah he's well settled there  .

I just wish as dad said everything will be alright till the time I'll be back.

I already packed my bags tonight I'm leaving for Dubai .

Dubai is one of my favourite place  if the situation was different i would have enjoyed visiting there  but now i don't think  I'll be able to enjoy. 

You didn't needed to drag my family in this Mr.Danish khan .

I will regret meeting you for my whole life .

I removed my sim card from my mobile after informing biya that I'm leaving for Dubai .

Obviously she was not happy but when i explained her all the matter she didn't complained. 

She only said to have a safe journey.  And enjoy my tour to Dubai .

Only if this was that easy....

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