Knew Revelations

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Dazz's P.O.V

I stared down at Ava. Not believing what I was seeing, even though it was right in front of me. There was absolutely no evidence of what had happened not even an hour ago.

Then panic started running through my vanes again. The doctor and those nurses had seen this. Had probably even watched it nit itself back together. This wasn't good. The Elders were going to kill me.

I rip the wires and other tubes put of Ava's arms, then scoop her up and run out of the room. When I reach the doors, I almost run right into Riley. His eyes are frantic and he some how looks right over Ava in my arms, instead looking behind me to the doctors, nurses, and other patients.

"Where is she? Where are you going? What hap . . . " Then he sees Ava in my arms and stops taking. He takes her out of my arms and into his. "Ava, are you okay? What happened? What's wrong? Are you sick? Hurt?Let me see. Are there any wounds?"

I smile as I watch Riley smother Ava in questions and concern. He really cared about her. A lot. I guess, to him, she really was his daughter. And from the way Ava smiled and reassured him, he really was her father as far as she was concerned.

"I'm fine, really. But I think we better go. Like, now please." He nods and turns, walking out without another word on the matter. I hesitate, then go and grab the doctor and two nurses, taking them into a currently unoccupied room.

"Listen to me. Are you listening?"I say in a no none sense voice. They nod quickly. "Good. Now,I know what you saw today startled you, it startled me, but none of you will say a word to anyone about this. Got that?" They all nod quickly and then I motion for them to go and they flee the room. I sigh and follow out of the room, heading to my car, and then home.

When I got there, mom, dad, and Riley were sitting in the living room waiting for me. This should be good. Not. I close the door and walk in. "Where's Ava?"

My looks at me with a look I couldn't decipher, but she didn't look happy. That much I could tell you. "In her room. but that's besides the point. Would you like to tell me why you called me freaking out about Ava when there was nothing wrong with her?"

I freeze. Crap, I was so dead. What was I supposed to say? At the time I had thought that I might lose Ava. Now she was completely fine and I had no excuse. I sigh, knowing what I had to do.

I look over to Riley, who was the only one standing. "You might want to sit down."

They were all looking at me like I was crazy when I was done. I had gone to get Ava, I figured she should be here for this, then I had explained everything. About what Ava was, why we spent so much time together, and had explained to Riley what exactly it all meant. They still didn't believe me.

"There is absolutely no way that Ava is the Regina del Sangue. She is a human." My father says.

"Well when the prophecy was made, it was never specified what species the Blood Queen would be." I counter. Ava had gained a headache from all the screaming and yelling they had been doing and was ow leaning against me with a hand squeezing her eyes. I put an arm around her and rub her arm up and down.

"No, I agree with your father. There is no way Ava is the Regina del whatever." Riley says. I' about to reply when I hear Ava's voice speak up.

"Then let me prove it, if you're going to be so stubborn about it." Everyone looks at her in surprise, she hadn't said a word through the entire exchange.

"You don't have to do that, Ava." I say. I didn't want her to over exert herself after what just happened. I knew that she was healed, but that didn't change the fact that the healing had made her tired.

The Day The Humans CameHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin