Moving In

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***Dazz's P.O.V

   I watch Ava as she slept. She was always so peaceful when she slept. The stress and worry always made her look unapproachable and distant. But when she was asleep, that all seemed to melt away. She looked sweet and innocent and incapable of hurting anyone. I pity the fool that tried to attack her in her sleep. 

   She groans. "What are you doing?" I smile and wipe the hair away from her face. 

   "Just lookin' at the scenery, babe." She smiles and leans forward to kiss me softly. I can't help the grin that spreads across my face. She made me so happy. I didn't know what I'd do without her in my life. She made me . . . complete.

   "So, what's on the agenda for today?" She asks me as she sits up and stretches. I watch her and my thoughts start to wonder. "Dazz!" I startle and look at Ava.

   "W-what?" She laughs.

   "I asked what was on the agenda for today and you just started staring off into space." She lays back down next to me and snuggles into my chest. I wrap an arm around her and kiss the top of her head.

   "Actually, I think that they finished with the palace. So, we'll be getting you moved in there." I grin as her head jerks towards me. I actually knew for a fact that they had finished, because Leo had messaged me earlier about it and said that he and some other guards would be here to escort the queen to the palace.

   "Already? How? It took so long for the ship and we didn't even finish."

   "Yeah, well, we're a whole lot more familiar with our buildings than your technology." She laughs and get out of the bed. I frown and watch her walk around the room, getting ready for the day. "Hey, I thought we could cuddle for a little while." I put as she shakes her head.

   "Not today, babe. I promise once everything gets sorted out and I have time to breathe we can have some alone time again." I smile. I knew she was right. And even if she wasn't, I wouldn't tell her that. I like all of my body parts where they are, thank you.

   "Okay, do you want to start packing while I go and tell Riley about it. You do want him living in the palace since her is family, right? He is technically royal now, too, since he's your dad."

   She nods. "Yes, thank you." She smiles and starts packing up. I go to get dressed in my room. I throw on a black t-shirt and some jeans, then go to find Riley. He was in the dining room eating breakfast.

   "Hey, Riley." I fill a plate with food and sit down across from him.

   He smiles at me. "Hey, Dazz. What's up?"

   "I got a message this morning that the palace is finished and ready for the Ava and you to move in." His eyes go wide for a second, but then he recovers and nods at me.

   "Okay, I'll go start packing. When will we be leaving?"

   "In an hour or two an escort will arrive and we will take you to the palace." Leo and I will also be living in the palace, and so will whoever else is on Ava's personal guard. I will have to pack my stuff for the move. I finish eating and go to Ava's room. She's running around like a mad man around the room. As she goes to run by me, I catch her around the waist and pull her to me. "Slow down there, babe. Take your time and breathe. It's okay, I promise," I say into her ear. She nods and takes and deep breath.

   "Okay, I'm good."

   "Good. Now don't stress yourself out to much. I'm here to help. You know that." I kiss her and go to my room. I grab a suit case and start packing my stuff up. An hour later, I'm finished packing when I hear a knock at the door. I go and make sure it's Leo and the others before opening the door.

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