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After getting cleaned up, I had English class. I calmly made my way there fixing the sweatshirt that Nic had let me borrow. I ignored all the looks I was receiving, keeping my eyes forward. I walked into English and my eyes narrowed as I spotted Jasper sitting in the back, near a seat I normally sat at. At his side was Rosalie. Great.

I walked to the back and I sat down at the empty desk, making sure to keep my distance from Jasper and Rosalie.

"Ezra," I turned my head when my name was called and I noticed Jasper had move a little bit closer to me, Rosalie's eyes were on him, watching him closely.

"Uh, yeah?" I questioned. This was the first time he had talked to me. He didn't say anything to me in our science class so this kind of threw me off.

"Are you alright? That was quite the scene today," Jasper asked, raising a single eyebrow. I shrugged casually.

"I'm used to it, the bullying I mean, so it was whatever. Is your brother okay?" I asked the blond haired boy, looking at him.

"Why do you care?" Rosalie snapped from behind her brother. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Rose," Jasper's tone held a bit of warning in it and Rosalie, fortunately, shut her trap. Jasper returned his attention to me, "Yes, he is alright. Emmett has a bit of a temper and he is protective of those he cares about. He finds himself growing to like you. Its rare that my brother gets attached so quickly. He doesn't talk to many people outside of our family."

"Oh," I mumbled, unsure of what to say. Emmett seemed so outgoing, there was no way I was the first person he's wanted to be friends with. But then again, he only seemed to talk to me. Everyone else he blatantly ignored.

"Yes. I apologize sincerely for his actions, but like I've said, this is first time trying to make friends. He doesn't know what to do exactly," Jasper said, and I just nodded my head silently, "I do sincerely hope you give my brother a chance."

I looked at Jasper and even though he seemed stiff, he had a small smile on his face before he turned his attention to the front of the room. I frowned, but before I could say anything the teacher walked in and began to talk. I sighed as I turned around to face the front of the room as well.

My mind wasn't on English that day, it was on Emmett Cullen. He was new to the school, we had only spoke to each other for two hours. But he already liked me. He wanted to be my friend. God, I'm so fucking screwed. I couldn't have a friend in Emmett. No matter how much I wanted to. He was a change. With my luck, our friendship would go to shit and he'd hate me forever. I don't think I could handle that.

But he was so nice. And he almost beat the shit out of Tyler for me. He seemed to care. But also, he could just be joking. He could just be playing tricks. He didn't even know me. How could he like me? God, all this overthinking was giving me a headache.

I rubbed my temples, shaking my head silently.

"Ezra, are you alright?" Jasper looked over at me, and I just nodded my head slowly.

"Just a slight headache. I'll be fine," I said. I waited patiently for class to be over and once the bell rang, I was up and out of there. I walked to my locker and was instantly met by Nic.

"How was class? Did you see lover boy again?" Nic asked me and I rolled my eyes at his words as I opened my locker.

"No. Emmett was not in my English class. Thank God. His siblings were, the twins," I grabbed my backpack and I tossed my books inside and slung my backpack over my shoulder, shutting my locker.

"Really? The bitchy one and the pained one?" Nic questioned and I nodded my head silently as I turned to walk down the hall, "Did they say anything about big Cullen's reaction today in lunch?"

"They said he's got a temper," I partially lied, not bothering to tell Nic the part where Jasper had told me Emmett wanted to be my friend.

"Huh, I could have figured that," Nic said with a shrug as we walked into the locker rooms. I rolled my eyes at my best friend, but I didn't say anything further as I walked towards my gym locker.

I opened it and stripped from my clothes and threw on my gym clothes which consisted of a Forks High Bobcats t-shirt and a pair of cotton basketball shorts.

"Whatever the reason, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to stay as far away from Emmett Cullen as I can," I said firmly as I shut my gym locker. Nic and I walked out of the locker room together, and into the gym.

"That won't be easy," Nic said and I looked over at my best friend with narrowed eyes.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because he's coming over here right now," Nic said and I turned to look where my best friend was currently looking. A frown took over my features as I saw the big bear of a boy approach Nic and I. He had a small smile on his face, that looked almost unsure. He didn't seem as confident as he had earlier that day.

"Hey, Angel Eyes," Emmett said and I looked at him, my arms crossed against my chest, "Fancy seeing you here. It's almost like it was meant to be."

"It's not," I said simply. Emmett frowned at my words and I felt my heart break slightly at the sight, "Are you okay?" I asked, trying to forget the words I had just said to make Emmett upset.

"I wasn't the one who got humiliated in lunch," Emmett said as he looked at me, "Does that happen a lot?"

"More than I'd like to admit," I spoke honestly. Emmett's frown deepened at my words.

"It's happened a lot more since he broke up with his ex last year. Dick's been sending all of his buddies after Ezra for the last few months," Nic said and I shot my best friend a glare, silently telling him to shut the fuck up.

"Ex? You've had a boyfriend?" Emmett asked me and I looked up at the boy to see him look at me curiously.

"I'm 16 years old, of course I've had a boyfriend. He turned out to be a total dick though. We broke up the week before summer vacation," I said, shrugging, "I've now sworn off dating until I leave this shit ass town."

Emmett's face shifted into one of pain for a moment. My eyes widened until just as quickly as the look came it left, and Emmett's small grin returned.

"You can't give up just because of one bad experience, Angel Eyes."

"It's one bad experience too many, Emmett," I shrugged. I was thankful for the coach blowing the whistle, signaling gym class had started. Emmett didn't have the chance to ask me any more questions.

Coach Snider gave us the freedom to choose between the weight room or jogging around the gym. Nic and I chose to jog because I refused to go into the weight room with a bunch of meathead jocks. Nic and I began our jog around the gym.

"Emmett Cullen is definitely crushing on you, Ezzy," Nic said as we jogged at a slower than slow pace. I wasn't one for physical activity, the closest I've gotten was swimming. I hated anything that involved moving more than I had to, but I've always loved to swim.

"No, he's not. Like I said, he's just really friendly," I said, keeping my eyes focused straight ahead.

"Towards you. He hasn't spoken a word to anybody else, but you."

"It's been a few hours. You can't develop a crush in just a few hours."

"Then an attraction. A very strong attraction," Nic said, and I rolled my eyes at my best friend's insistence.

"You're wrong. Emmett Cullen is not attracted to me, whatsoever."

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