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Turns out, everyone treats you differently after you've had a near death experience. When I returned to school after my month off from school, everyone was nice to me. I knew it was all the fake type of nice, but I didn't care. As long as I wasn't getting push around and shoved into lockers I was satisfied, though none of that happened when Emmett was by my side.

It seemed like everyone wanted to be my friend. The only people who weren't fake were Mike Newton and his friends. Mike talked to me all the time, as did his friends Jessica Stanley, Angela Webber, and Eric Yorkie. They were tolerable, so I tried to talk to them as best I could without being snarky or a smart ass.

had been working on that, with the help of Emmett. I could tolerate them. Jessica was a bitch sometimes, but Angela, Mike, and Eric were cool and they were very nice. Sometimes Nic and Amelia would join me at their lunch table when I wasn't sitting with Emmett and the family.

At that table sometimes sat Tyler Crowley and Lauren Mallory, but they were never rude to me. Tyler especially. That was probably because Emmett and Rosalie sat at the Cullen table and basically glared daggers at them whenever they even thought to step out of line.

It was my Junior year now, and it's safe to say this school year started out better than last year did. I had spent most of my summer getting to know Mike Newton and his friend group. He was the total opposite of his brother. He was nice, funny, and sometimes a little dumb but it added to his persona. He was completely oblivious to Jessica's love for him, but in his defense he was a little dense.

I liked Angela and Eric the best from that group, Nic, Amelia, and I hung out with them a lot over the summer. They were pretty chill and down to Earth. Jessica reminded me too much of Lauren, so it was harder for me to tolerate her but I tried for the sake of my new friends. 

I was currently walking to lunch with Emmett. His arm was thrown lazily over my shoulders and he had a single hand in the pocket of his jeans. He wore that lazy, child-like grin I had fallen in love with on his handsome face. I leaned against my boyfriend, trying to resist the urge to yawn.

"Tired?" Emmett asked me and I nodded silently, "Did you get any sleep last night?"

Emmett had to hunt last night, and so he wasn't at my house like he normally was. Which meant he didn't hold me while I slept. I had noticed that sleeping was a lot harder without Emmett because of the nightmares. I had nightmares ever night of the attack, even though it happened half a year ago.

Carlisle had tried to prescribe something to help me sleep better. It didn't get rid of the nightmares, but it did help a little bit. But not for long, which was when we discovered as long as Emmett held me I would be able to sleep better, easier. I was forced to talk to Marshall about the incident. He had studied to be a Psychologist when he went to college one time and he was more than happy to put his studies to use.

I talked to him 2 days a week. Our sessions were mostly me talking about the incident, my dreams, and whatever was bothering me and Marshall would sit and listen and offer me help. It was pretty okay and it helped that I was used to Marshall, so it was easy to talk to him.

"I started to," I responded to my boyfriend and Emmett frowned slightly as he looked down at me, "It wasn't because of a nightmare," I said quickly, trying to ease my boyfriend's worries, "It was just, you weren't there. I'm so used to you being there now it's harder to sleep."

"After school, we'll go home and I'll hold you while you take a nap," Emmett said and I smiled slightly up at him.

"Sounds like a plan," I said and Emmett grinned at me as we walked into the cafeteria. Emmett handed me one of the brown paper bags he had been holding.

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