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"This is ridiculous!" Rosalie shouted as she paced around the living room. I was currently sitting on the couch with my legs crossed Indian style, watching my sister silently. I had never seen her so upset before in my life, "She's putting all of our lives at risk! Her life is at risk! All because she wanted to be with Edward," Rosalie snarled.

"Rose, what do you have against Bella? I mean, you didn't hate me this much when I was first with Emmett," I said curiously.

"I actually did," Rosalie admitted as she stopped pacing to look at me, "But...it's not that I hated you, or hate her. I just...I worry about your safeties. You're both only human. You don't understand the dangers of what its like to be with us. Everyday you're in danger when around us."

"Everyday I'm happy with you all. All I had for the longest time was my uncle, cousin, Nic and Amelia. But even then I wasn't happy. Not until you guys came along and became my family. I love you all."

Rosalie sighed as she walked towards the couch and took a seat beside me, "And we love you, Ezra. Never have I seen my family take a liking to someone as quickly as they have to you. Even me."

"Then why can't you feel the same about Bella?"

"Because, unlike you, Bella dreams of becoming one of us. She has asked Edward about it. She is being selfish. Not thinking of her father or her mother. Just herself."

I understood now. Rosalie didn't even want this life for herself, why would she want it for a human girl? A human girl who seemingly had everything going for her in life? I had asked Emmett about it once, and I'm sure Rosalie knew about that. Emmett told Rosalie everything. But it was only for future matters. Not for right now. I wanted to be with my family as much as possible before I would never be able to see them again.

Before much else could be said between us Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper ran into the house. Rosalie and I were on our feet in an instant and my eyes widened when they landed on Laurent, who had followed Jasper into the house. Rosalie let out a snarl and quickly stepped in front of me.

"What the hell, Carlisle?!" Rosalie snapped as she looked at her father. Carlisle raised his hand to calm Rose down.

"It's fine, Rosalie," Carlisle said.

"It's fine?!" Rose looked at Carlisle with narrowed eyes, "He's a human drinking vampire in the same room with my very human little brother. I don't see how any of this is fine."

"I told you she wouldn't approve," Jasper practically sang as he walked over towards Rose and I. The Texan crossed his arms against his chest, "And quite frankly, neither do I, Carlisle."

"He's only here to warn us about James. He won't harm anyone," Carlisle said.

"And we're just supposed to trust him?" I spoke up, looking around Rosalie at Carlisle, "I mean his buddy is after Bella and well Bella is coming here, isn't she? So like..."

"Do you all trust me?" Carlisle said, and without hesitation everyone nodded their heads, "Then trust me. Now the others should be on their way soo-."

Emmett, Edward, Alice, and Marshall ran into the room. Emmett had Bella in his arms, and it took everything in me not to get jealous at the sight. I knew it was probably just for some type of protection. They all looked on with wide eyes at Laurent, who was currently standing in the room.

Cue the snarling. As if right on cue, Emmett had Bella on the ground and Edward had her tugged behind him as all of the 4 vampires who had no clue what was happening began to snarl and growl. They crouched low ready to pounce on Laurent. Lauren snarled back, obviously feeling threatened as he crouched as well.

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