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It was freezing. I could hear the sound of my teeth chattering. I had my arms wrapped around myself and I was curled into a ball in the corner of what I assumed was a shed. I had no idea how long I had been out here, but the longer it seemed to be the colder I started to feel.

I knew I would catch my death if I were kept out here any longer. I felt the tears filling my eyes and threatening to fall, but I refused to let them do such a thing. I refused to cry.

My body was aching. I wasn't sure, but I believed Jared and whoever was with him had beaten on me. My sides hurt and my face hurt. I felt a wetness on my head. If I were able to see myself in here, I was sure I looked like a wreck.

But I didn't care how I looked. Or how I felt. The only thing I was able to think about was Emmett. I had left him alone in Homeroom. He must've been worried sick. I had noticed Emmett had a protective nature, and he seemed to be very protective of me.

If I didn't show up in Homeroom, I was sure he had already begun a search for me and if word got around that Jared was the one who was responsible for my disappearance, I was sure Emmett would be on his way to kill Jared.

I noticed differences in Emmett and his family. I had noticed it all. The way they were so cold, so pale, so beautiful, and the unusual color of their eyes. They were fast, strong, they didn't eat. I had noticed it all. I hadn't said anything because they cared about me. They welcomed me. So who was I to question them? I had hoped that whatever they were, they would be able to find me. Find me before I died...

I let out a sneeze and felt myself shake from the force behind it. It was getting colder, colder weather meant later time in the day. It must've been pretty late by now. I wondered if my uncle and cousin were worried. Were they searching for me as well? Maybe Nic and Amelia had noticed my absence as well, maybe they informed my cousin themselves. I know if word got around to Jonas, he would be looking for me in a heartbeat.

I knew my family and friends would spend days on end to search for me. I knew it. I just had to have hope. I leaned my head against the cold wall, clenching my jaw as I shivered. I kept my arms wrapped around myself. My throat was hurting now. Scratchy and sore. I needed Emmett. He could help me. He could make me feel better. Carlisle could check me over, then I could cuddle with Emmett until I fell asleep.

I perked up silently when I heard rustling outside the shed. Someone was out there. Wherever there was. Someone was going to be walking by the shed. I could alert them to my presence. Whoever it was, they could come to my aid.

"H-help!" I shouted tiredly, pounding against the wall of the shed weakly with my hand. I heard the rustling stop and I had feared that whoever was around had started to walk off. No no no no no.

"S-someone please! Help," I called again, pounding tiredly on the door, "Somone, p-please," my voice cracked at that. The tears were beginning to fall. I felt weak. I was weak. I couldn't stand it anymore. I just wanted to be home. With my family, my friends, with Emmett.

The rustling continued and this time I heard footsteps. I stopped pounding, my hand growing sore and I curled into a ball as I clutched my hand to my chest.

"P-please," I whispered softly. That was the door yanked open. It was a little dark outside, not night time but it was late in the day. A shadow of a man stood in the doorway. I could tell the man was shirtless, he wore only a pair of jean shorts and sneakers on his feet. He was tanned and he had cropped short hair. I could tell from his appearance that he was from La Push, the Native American Reservation in town.

He took a step towards me and I cowered away, keeping my arms wrapped around myself.

"No, hey. It's okay. I won't hurt you," the man said as he took another slow, cautious step towards me, "I'm here to help you. I promise," the man's voice was deep, but he spoke softly as if not wanting to scare me anymore. I didn't respond to him verbally, but he took his as consent and he stepped towards me again until he was that much closer to me. He knelt down in front of me and I had gotten a pretty good look at his face. He was pretty attractive I wasn't going to lie, "I'm Sam."

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