Chapter 6

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By the time 6 o'clock rolled around my door bell could be heard from all the way upstairs in my room, where I was trying to figure out a concept for this stupid project.

I hopped down the stairs two at a time and took the long way to the front door putting off having to talk to the devil himself in my own home.

The door bell rang once again as I pulled open the big brown door an obnoxious smirk standing on the opposite side. So instead of letting him in like I know I probably should have done I slammed the door on his face.

He banged his fist on the door till I reopened it while he was about to smack the door again I opened it causing no him to fall forward.

"Looks like you fell for me, Gold," I laughed as I walked over his body and into my kitchen where my laptop and notebooks where sitting on the marble island countertop.

"Shall we get started?" Anders asked as he pulled out his own laptop from within his back pack and taking a seat across from me on the barstool style chairs.

"Tell me about yourself," I tell him as he gives me a look that says why the fuck would I do that, "if I'm going to write a story based on you I should know the basics."

"Alright my full name is Anders Harry Gold, I'm 17 and I live with my mom and two little sister, Pilla and Hera. My favorite color is black and I'm more of a dog person then a cat person."

"Shade," I couldn't help, but correct him and upon seeing his confused face I laughed and explained further, "Black is a shade not a colour."

"Whatever man it's your turn tell me some stuff about you."

"Alright my name is Connor Michael Walsh. I live with my Mom, Dad and twin sister, Margo, we are originally from a small town in France, but we moved here when I was 9. I'm allergic to dogs and my favorite colour is blue."

"Wait if you're allergic to dogs why do you own them?" Looks like he isn't as dumb as I thought he was.

"I lied, I do that sometimes," I smirked before getting up to get a glass of water. While I was turned around I could feel eyes on me as I moved through the kitchen, "take a picture it will last longer."

I turned back around just in time to catch him rolling his eyes as I took my seat back in the barstool.

"What's your background?" I ask peeping my head up from my open laptop so I could see Anders.

"Italian, why?" He gave me a confused look as he started to open up his laptop.

"I'm going to write you a vampire story," I smirked as his face had shown pure disgust making me have to stifle my laughter.

"Why? Why would you hurt me like that?" He looked between a mixture of constipated and confused, so being a responsible adult that is respecting of others boundaries, I took a picture of him and sent it to Margo.

"Because we aren't friends doorknob. The only reason you're here is because I need a good grade in this class. We aren't friends and we won't ever be friends," I simply said telling him the truth that I knew he already knew.

"Trust me Connor the last thing I want to do with you is be your friend," and with that he was packing up his stuff and heading out of my house with a slam of the door. He was gone faster the he came.



Hi guys!!!
Fucking Connor y'all were getting along for a whole twelve seconds and you went and fucked it up.

Why do you think Anders got so upset when Connor told him he doesn't want to be friends?

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