Chapter 25

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Anders POV

Whenever people talk about hospitals it's always some dumb poetic shit like "the stench of death made my nostrils burn with grief," but in reality the only grief I'm feeling is for my eye doctor, who will drop dead when he finds out I've been staring at hospital lights for the last two hours in attempt to blind myself out of boredom. Goddam this place sucked.

Margo has been pacing back and forth for the past two hours rambling about anything and everything and the rest of Connors friends weren't much better. Chaos seems to follow them around where ever they go.

"Does anyone want to get coffee?" Christa announced to the group as she got up purse and sweater in hand. A choir of I's erupted from the almost silence as most of them began to file out to find the best coffee in this shit hole.

"And then there were two," Margo paused her pacing and took a seat next to me resting her head on my shoulder. "He's going to be ok."

"How do you know?"

"He's been through worse. You've put him through worse," we both let out a weak chuckle at the memory. "I never understood it though."

"Never understood what?"

"Why you to hated each other for so long," I felt a piece of me freeze up. I was such an asshole to Connor for so long for no reason.

"Neither did I," Margo sighed loudly as if she didn't believe and I feel as though she didn't.

"You know I've always know I was gay and Connor was the first person I had ever told. He has always been my other half and his opinion has always mattered to me. He was the only one who knew for a really long time." She looked up at me as I looked down at her softly smiling at the thought of the two of them behind closed doors sharing secrets. "I knew Connor was gay before he did and I always wanted to protect him from everything and anything. I tried to protect him from you as well, but I think you have proved yourself from needing protecting from. Whatever you do, don't make me regret that."

I didn't respond to her I just nodded my head and grabbed her hand giving her a reassuring squeeze. I wasn't about to ruin anything I have with Connor and I was definitely going to make sure Margo knows how much I not only value her brother, but also her.

Minutes turned to hours and the crowd has begun to thin out it had got late and visiting hours were over, but Margo and I stayed even after the nurses got mad at us for it. At this point the only way we'd leave before Connor would be in body bags.

We sat in his room just the three of us. Connors parents had to go home for the night. They had work in the morning and guiltily left for the night. Connors been feeling better he woke up a couple hours ago and has been watching 80s sitcoms since then.

"I'm going to go get some snacks i'll be back," Margo announces before exiting the room. I stayed seated across from Connor just staring at him as he stared at the television.

"What are you looking at?"

"Your ugly face," I smiled at him as he laughed at my dumb joke happy that I could brighten the mood just a bit.

"Come over here," he waved me over as he turned off the show that was playing in the background of our conversation.

I hastily sat up from my seat to the edge of his bed towering over him with a confused look on my face. "What?"

"Don't be stupid, lay with me," he slightly moved over on the already small bed giving me just enough space to wrap my arms around his skinny body as he laid his head on my chest.

We sat in silence for what felt like days and at any other time I would have enjoyed it, but this time I kept think the same thinking over and over again. tell him, TELL HIM! My mind was having a wrestling match against my heart and both we're losing.

"Hey Gold?" he looked up at me his tired eyes evident. He looked like he could fall asleep on command at this point. "I have to tell you something."

"What's wrong, babe?" Just as I was about to open my mouth Margo busts through the doors of the room looking like she was about to throw someone out of the window.

"Some asshole just grabbed my ass in the hallway!" Smoke was practically fuming out of her ears and Connor had sat up straight and out of my grip. What does this dumbass who was hospitalized because he was knocked unconscious from one punch think he's gonna do?

"Do you want me to go deal with him?" I asked her grabbing one of Connors hands in my own and squeezing gently.

"No I'll be fine, I left a piece of my mind with that asshole and scared him off."

"Hell yeah you did! That's my sister," Walsh leaned forward to high five Margo making me laugh at his hype for her. He winced as he layer back down on me making me want to just wrap him in a blanket and give him a huge hug.

I was about to open my mouth to say something else when a nurse and her cart came through the door and waved me off the bed to do a night check up on Connor.

"You'll be dischangered tomorrow as long as nothing changes from now till then. You should be perfectly fine as long as you don't participate in hands on sports and nothing that will cause you unnecessary stress that could land you back in here," she checked practically every hole on Connors face before she clapped her hands and walked out of the room.

"Well we don't have to worry about the sports thing now do we," the comment made us all laugh and I smiled big knowing that the normal Connor was back.

I made my way back to the spot of the bed with Connors head on my chest and my hand in his hair. I played with it and gave him little forehead kisses that made him giggle. I loved the sound of his laughter, but the little giggles he let out when he felt ticklish sent butterflies thorough my stomach. Every time I saw him I felt like I was being shot by Cupid's arrow OVER and OVER again. I need to tell him soon before it makes me explode.

I need to tell Connor how I have loved him since we were kids, but the thought of it terrifies me.


Ok don't kill me for how long this has taken to come out, but know you know what Connors secret is. I know it's not really excited but  I already know what I want to do with the rest of my story and I'm very excited.

Have you ever been in love/ are you currently in love?

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