Chapter 18

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I don't know what came over me I couldn't help it. I wasn't myself at that moment, and I know I was about to do something I would deeply regret after this. I took one step forward...

Connor's POV

I took one step forward. My fist has turned white from how tight I was holding them. From the corner of my eye, I could see Margo and the rest of my friend group staying at me with confusion. Even though Margo was in on my little secret, she still wouldn't be able to tell what was going on in my head and if we are honest with ourselves right now, I don't even think I know what I'm doing.

Every movement I make feels like an unwanted movement that I can't control. I took one step forward, never breaking eye contact from where Anders and his group of goons were sitting. I could feel every eye that was on me at that moment, but the only person I wanted looking at me was currently avoiding my very public gaze.

What the fuck am I doing?

Every time I took a step closer towards the table that the two sat at along with all their friends was one more curse I sent straight to whatever part of my body was controlling these unwanted movements. When I finally managed to look away from Anders, my eyes quickly caught Bailey. She was smirking like the Grinch as is she knew something everyone else didn't.

Without even realizing it, I was standing in front of Anders' table, my arms crossed and making very intense eye contact with him. Everyone sat on the edge of their seats, waiting to see what would happen.

I pulled out a pen from my back pocket and slammed it down on the table, hard, "you dropped this."

Without looking at his reaction or anyone else, I quickly walked to my own friends' table and took a seat, pulling my hood over my head and sinking into my chair.

"What the fuck did you do," Margo whispered into my ear so no one else could hear her. I brushed her question off as I stole a chip from Sam's plate, he tried to slap my hand away, but it was too late the chip was already in my hand.

"Hey!" He yelled out, clearly upset at my actions. Like the mature adult I was I stuck my tongue out at him, which he responded by rolling his eyes at me.

I looked around at my table and the cafeteria and let out a low sigh. I don't know what I'm so scared of. It's not like my life is some big picture Hollywood movie where I'm the only gay kid ever to exist because let's be honest it's 2019 and almost everyone's gay. In my friend group alone there's Margo, Sam, Christa, Duke and I guess now me.

"I'm bisexual," why the fuck did I do that? Everyone at my table stopped what they were doing and just stared at me. No one was saying anything just sitting there processing what I said.

"So am I you're not special," Duke broke the silence before going back to the lunch that sat in front of him. Duke if you can read minds know that I love you.

"Shut up ugly," I told him smirking at him as he flipped me off with one hand fork wrapped in spaghetti in the other.

"We should do a movie night tonight," Christa told us as she combed her hand through her braids. "Who's up to hosting?"

I looked over at Margo and shook my head no. Our moms boss was coming over for dinner with my mom and dad, so no one was going to be allowed at our house.

"I can h...," John trailed off of his sentence as an angry looking white girl in a cheer uniform stormed up to our table and took a seat in between Sam and Duke.

"Please don't make me leave. My friends are jerks," her voice was soft and gentle and was the last thing you'd expect to hear when seeing the face she was making. Her lips formed a deep frown as she stared holes into the lunch table.

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