Chapter 17

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(If I made any spelling mistakes feel more then welcomed to point them out because I didn't have any time to edit this because of how late I'm posting)
Anders POV

Avoiding Connor was about the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Getting hammered at a party? Easy. Texting a girl back? Simple. Avoiding someone you've spent the past 72 hours with? The hardest goddamn thing out there.

The idea seemed easy but buy the time second period rolled around I was starting to feel like a  user that needed his fix. My friend had been unhelpful in every part of today so far.

They have no idea about me or my sexuality. Not that they are homophobic or anything, at least most of them aren't, but I just don't think telling them I like to take it up the ass sometimes doesn't seem like something we can mutually agree on as fun after school activities. Plus it's not like I can't talk about girls, girls are great, but right now the last thing I want to talk about is how one of my best friends went down on a random girl he met at a party during the weekend.

"Where were you this weekend anyways Anders?" It was nearing the end of second period when one of them finally put their 3 shared braincells together to come up with that question.

"My mom was sick in bed all weekend so I was stuck babysitting my little sisters. I didn't even get the chance to look at my phone the two of them were pulling me in opposite directions the whole time," I lied straight through my teeth to some of the closest people in my life.

"That makes sense," John, he was on the football team and was also a friend of Connors. "You missed a sick party this weekend though. The badgers showed up in the middle of it and there was a fight in the front yard. The video went viral on YouTube, thank fully no cops."

The badgers were put schools rival team. They played football and thought they were edgy because they came from the lower class. That school was like a pages pulled out from the script of a Riverdale episode. The football captain, Blaine Richards, is also my ex-boyfriend. Less of a boyfriend more of a hookup buddy, but whatever term you use we are and have been over for a while now.

I pulled out my phone from the back pocket of my black jeans and played around with it till I sent a text letting Connor know where to meet me during lunch.

By the time second period had finally ended I was practically running out of the classroom and up the stairs to the fourth floor. The floor itself was almost always empty during the afternoon. I waited in the room for no longer than two minutes before Connor finally arrived.

We, well you know *wink* but we both had other places to be so it. I was the first to leave, but not before making him promise he'd come over tonight.

I wandered around the halls of the school going into empty rooms I've never been in before and just avoiding seeing my everyone in a secluded room that I go to school with right now. I sighed heavily to myself before i readjusted the bag on my shoulder and headed on my way to the cafeteria for pizza. No better remedy then one dipped in large amounts of oil.

By the time I finally reached the cafeteria my usual lunch table was practically full. Everyone was seated and waiting around for me to fill the last spot up. Unfortunately my spot was in right next to Bailey Willows. In any other circumstance I would have probably not minded sitting next to her, but I'm in no mood to sit there and have her flirt with me for the entirety of the lunch block because she can't take the hint that I'm a homo.

I walked towards the line for food and made sure that the whole process of getting my food would be so slow that the lunch ladies would talk about me behind my back once I finally sat down to eat. By the time I did sit down there was still 25 minutes left of lunch, which meant 25 minutes of Bailey practically dry humping my leg in an attempt to get my dick hard. Spoiler alert: it doesn't work.

I kept my head down and barely put my two cents into the group conversation. When I finally looked up from the leftover crusts of my pepperoni pizza I saw Connor walk through the large cafeteria doors. He somehow managed to look even cuter then 15 minutes ago when I last saw him.

Something was wrong though. When he looked up at me he had anger etched into his face. He looked like he had enough power in him to break a table, but he wasn't even looking at me he was looking over at Bailey who had been attempting, and failing, to get my attention for ten minutes now. I quickly looked between the two several times before my eyes finally landed on the rest of the cafeteria who were also staying at Connor and whatever has got into him. 

The fist he's making seemed to get so tight the circulation was cut off and he was staring at bailey so hard his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. From an outsiders view it would look like he was getting angry at me for talking to Bailey and not the other way around like it really is.

I was sitting there anticipating what was to come left out of the loop like everyone else praying Connor wasn't about to do anything stupid, again.


Hey fuckers!
Another cliffhanger! Opps! I promise next chapter will actually go forward into the whole showdown in the cafeteria, but for now I wanted to give you a literally taste of what it's like for Anders and how he's dealing with things (you also get to know more about everyones favourite top so don't be sad).

What do you think Connor is going to do?
Did you enjoy being able to read from a different characters POV? Should I do this more often?

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