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Chapter 16

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Current Level: 6

WIS - 12

INT - 4

VIT – 6

AGI - 4

STR - 0

FOR - 1

"Hm, not too bad." Severance nodded to himself. He didn't have anything or anyone to compare to, but that was all right.

The zero in strength was a little concerning, but he comforted himself in the fact he was a healer, not a fighter. Strength didn't mean much to him.

His thoughts wandered to how PrettyBoi, a tiny little child-thing, had been able to effortlessly drag a grown woman for miles down a road without exerting much effort at all. Severance half expected that to be due to the player's mutated zombie-nature, though realistically, it was more likely due to the high strength it had as a fighter.

With a wave of the hand, Severance closed the System window. He leaned against a building near the center of Ascendance, contemplating his next move. Because of his little issue with a certain stalker, he really didn't want to leave town.

That meant he had to carefully choose the people he needed to help, but he didn't even know where to start. He'd found a somewhat secluded spot beside a wooden hut. If he looked straight across, he'd be looking at the big stone building and its heavy wooden door.

Since two days ago, some of the traffic had thinned in town. Severance didn't know if it was because less people were playing the game or if they had moved on to other areas. Either way, it made things a little more bearable for him.

Or maybe he was starting to get used to it.

"System," he murmured, "World Chatroom."

A blue screen popped up. Lines of text scrawled across it, shifting up every time a new line appeared at the bottom. It was a giant chat box, with no separate channels or forums. Severance felt a little disappointed as he'd expected something more elaborate, but he scanned through some of the messages anyway.

StalkerThree: anyone find the orphan killers?
crazy_tall: you still on that?

Winston Church: That quest ended on the first day.
Brainnns: ya stupid
StalkerThree: no way, it's over?

Brainnns: ya stupid
Winston Church: The killers were caught. You'll have to abandon that quest.
DaisyRose: you guys see the tank trainer? he's cute!

StalkerThree: but i spent 2 days in the woods looking for them

Brainnns: haha stupid

The Fridge: need a Revive, pls. on the road to Two Bridges

crazy_tall: sorry

crazy_tall: you can pick up a different quest

Severance scratched his chin. It wasn't quite what he expected to see, but it was interesting to see what other players were doing. It looked like he could ask a question and see how others would answer, but...

He closed the window. What if everyone thought his question was dumb? It'd be out there for the entire world to see. That kind of attention was something he absolutely did not want. Or need.

It was easier to remain invisible.

Severance folded his arms and frowned a little. Across the road from him, the door to the stone building opened. Out came a huge man with broad shoulders, solid muscle, and an intimidating stare. Much like the Guardsman, he wore a leather breastplate over a long-sleeved tunic. He had no weapons, but the two other men who followed him out did.

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