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Chapter 22

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A weird thing the size of a small house waited for them in the last room.

It was formed out of solid rock and had blue glowing veins running across its surface. There were no arms, for it was a giant blocky square sitting on top of two stubby legs. This, Severance had been informed, was the Marble golem.

Once he saw it, questions immediately filled his mind.

How could someone fight something made of solid rock? How could they even fight something so big? Where did it even come from? There was no way something like that was a natural occurrence.

Even though Severance had his doubts, it seemed his party did not share them. As per usual, Maun led the way forward.

"Keep close," he called, though who he was speaking to was left a mystery.

The marble golem rumbled as its square-shaped body slowly turned towards them. Rock creaked and groaned, then grated as it started to move. One leg lifted a mere inch off the ground, straining with immense effort.

"Sev!" Maun shouted a warning. He dashed for the golem's grounded leg, stabbing his daggers deep into the nearest blue vein he could reach. His blades sunk in like the substance was mud. Dhin and Rasin followed suit.

Slowly, the golem lowered its upraised leg. It was a very leisurely movement, nothing like a stomp at all. Severance wasn't even sure what the big deal was. He jogged closer, covering several feet in distance while the golem seemed to gradually drop its leg. It eventually tapped the ground gently, oh-so-gently.

The instant the golem's leg touched the ground, a bomb went off. A massive boom shattered the air and the ground bucked beneath Severance, throwing him off his feet. An invisible force wave slammed into him at the same instant, propelling him through the air several feet. His body crashed into the solid rock floor.

"Ugh." He raised his head from the floor, vision swimming in and out of focus. Someone called out his name again, the sound muffled and distant.

That thing hits hard, was the first giddy thought to pop into his mind. It was followed by, Oh wow, everyone's almost orange. I need to heal.

Severance shook his head to clear out the cobwebs. Then he staggered back to his feet.

The three men in black were busy stabbing away at one of the creature's legs. Blue ooze dribbled down and spotted the floor, looking a lot like blue blood. However it worked, they were managing to hurt it.

The golem creaked. It groaned. And it started to lift its injured leg. Oh. Oh no. Severance gripped his staff tightly and hurriedly ran closer to his party members. "Radiant Dome!"

The Dome cascaded down over them. Severance had to get even closer to make sure he was within the protective shield. Then because he had the lowest health out of everyone, he focused on himself. "Mend."

The golem grumbled, its leg starting to descend once again.

Okay, you big rock, Severance scowled inwardly. He wasn't going to go flying this time. He leaned forward, planting his feet and bracing himself.

The leg touched down. The ground rippled, the air roared, and a pressure wave exploded outwards. Severance staggered, pushed back a few feet by the wave.

+1 Vitality

Feeling proud of himself for managing to stay standing, he started to Mend the others. Radiant Dome was doing its job, slowly restoring the damage everyone had taken. With their massive health pools, they hadn't even dropped to half.

"Nice, kid!" Rasin gave Severance a quick, approving nod from where he was busy stabbing away into the golem's leg.

Severance almost smiled at the praise. This wasn't so bad. All he had to do was keep on top of these stomps, and they'd finish this boss off in no time. It was entirely doable.

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