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Chapter 17

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Severance froze on the spot.

But only for a second, because every instinct he possessed shrieked at him to run. So he did. He bolted from the tree like a lion swiped at his heels.

He made it two steps before something struck his legs. His knees buckled and he collapsed into an undignified heap. Flailing, Severance scrambled to get his feet back under him.

But a heavy hand planted itself on his chest and shoved him back down. His head knocked hard against the ground. The world briefly flared red in warning.

Maun leaned over him, his dark shoulders and head filling his entire field of view. "Don't be afraid."

Too bad for him. Severance was very afraid. He was so afraid that if this were real life, he might possibly have died from a heart attack already.

"System," Severance blurted. "Log-!"

Maun shoved a bundle of cloth into Severance's mouth, cutting off all speech. He quickly secured it with another strip that he knotted at the back of Severance's head. It was done so quickly that it was over before Severance even knew what had happened.

"Mmph!" Severance's eyes grew wide in shock.

Those cobalt eyes gleamed, and the man's lips curved slowly. "You won't be running away this time."

I'm in trouble. The realization struck him. If he couldn't talk, he couldn't give the System the verbal commands. That meant he couldn't log out.

Severance's chest heaved as he took in a sharp breath. He could feel Maun's heavy hands pressing him down, nearly crushing him against the rough ground. The strength behind those hands terrified him. He couldn't move.

"Mmmph!" He blinked furiously, and bucked, trying to throw Maun off of him.

But the man in black merely shifted, placing his knee on Severance's torso instead. Using that to pin him down, Maun effortlessly grabbed Severance's hands by the wrists. His expression didn't change the entire time. It was like he was holding down a tiny, squirming puppy.

Severance tried to twist out of Maun's grasp, but all it got him was an amused chuckle. He was flipped over onto his belly, his face pressing against the dirt. Cord was quickly wrapped around his wrists, tying them behind his back. His ankles were also tied together. In mere seconds, he'd been trussed up like a pig.

Maun lifted him onto a shoulder. Severance tugged at the cords, but they didn't give at all. "Mmnng!"

"Hush," Maun told him mildly. He wrapped an arm around Severance's thighs, easily clamping them into place. "I wouldn't have to do this if you hadn't tried to run."

You tried to kill me! Severance wanted to scream. He couldn't make much of a sound however. Nor could he call for help. Maun's shoulder dug into his belly, and he found it hard to draw in a full lungful of air.

He held onto a small degree of hope though. They were in the middle of Ascendance. Surely someone had to see him being carried off by a suspicious man in black. Surely someone would notice and help, right?

Maun didn't appear to be concerned. He merely walked onto the streets of Ascendance, passing by players and Elionan residents alike. It was like he carried a sack of potatoes over a shoulder rather than another human being.

Players noticed them right away. They stopped, turned to stare, surprise all over their faces. Severance tracked the crowds desperately, catching sight of many who watched. Some looked away when they caught his gaze. Others began to grin and nudge their friends. A small scattering of laughter lifted into the air.

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