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Chapter 66

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The moment sunlight fell upon his face after emerging from the belly of the mountain, Severance closed his eyes, tilted his face towards the warmth, and soaked it in. It was glorious. He didn't think he'd ever see the light of day again.

The System chimed, a notification interrupting his moment. Despite his closed eyes, he could still see it, which was disconcerting and annoying. Why couldn't the game let him have his moment in peace?

Quest Completed: Find your way through the Mountain Pass

Speak to your clan for further guidance.

Severance's eyes popped open at the chime. Too-bright sunlight scorched his eyeballs, forcing him to squint in order to make out the text.

"Oh wow," came the awed voice of Karniah.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" That was Dhin.

Awesome Dude's loud exclamation came next. "Yeah! Look at that, Sev!"

The Shade gestured towards the general area before them. Almost unconsciously, Severance's attention went toward the direction Awesome Dude indicated. Immediately, his eyes grew wide.

"Oh." His mouth hung open like it forgot how to close. "Oh wow."

"That's what I said," Karniah snickered. "Pretty amazing, right?"

"And that's what I said," Dhin pointed out. He grinned at them. "Welcome to Tomorrow's Edge, one of the few true cities that remain."

Tomorrow's Edge, Severance silently mouthed the name as he looked over the majestic sprawl of the city before them.

It was aptly named, for it perched at the edge of an enormous cliff, one side all but hanging over nothing but air while rocky mountains safely hemmed in the others. From beneath the city came a mile wide river, rushing over the cliff in a roaring waterfall. It fell in sheets of white, mist rising to encompass that entire side of the city.

From the mist rose glistening, crystalline towers of deep blue, buildings that were abstract yet beautiful in their architecture. They didn't reach as high as the buildings in Two Bridges, yet they were far more grandiose, more clean and elegant with an ethereal quality that spoke of enduring timelessness. Golden beams of sunlight shone down through holes in shifting gray clouds, and wherever they landed, buildings seemed to glow and shimmer as if lit by a fire within.

Simply put, Tomorrow's Edge made Two Bridges look like a mud pit.

"Now then," Dhin's voice pulled Severance out of his awestruck daze, and he looked up to see the Veiled man moving closer. "It's time to return to the House. I'm afraid the rest of you will have to return to your own clans."

Severance instinctively stepped back, his eyes flickering from Dhin to the city. They'd just arrived! Tomorrow's Edge was right there, and they hadn't even stepped foot inside yet. "But-"

"Now," Dhin interrupted, his tone firm and unyielding.

Severance grimaced, feeling a wave of indignation. What was the rush, anyway? Why couldn't they go see the city first? Besides, it only got added as a teleport location when he went inside the place. Seeing it wasn't enough.

He gave Awesome Dude an apologetic smile. "Sorry. I guess I have to go now."

"It's okay," the Shade waved it off. "I have to go talk to my clan too, now. But thanks for rescuing me in the mine. I'd probably still be stuck there if you hadn't found me."

Karniah coughed. Loudly. "You got that right! I don't know how you wandered so far in just a short while. Anyway, thanks, Sev! It was fun!"

Severance opened his mouth to reply, but Dhin's hand somehow reached him in a mere eye blink of time, taking an iron hold of Severance's arm. With no warning, the world flashed white and he felt the distinct sensation of displacement.

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