🌸 magical girl subliminal

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Hi, I'm soon going to make a magical girl subliminal after I have done some others.

It's called a supplement because it's meant to help with being one, it doesn't make you one - I would use missluvisublime magical girl subliminal for that.

The benefits are as noted:
- less strict parents
- no one questions you of suspicious behaviour
- no one questions you being a magical girl
- everyone is oblivious to the existence of magical girls
- parents don't mind when you go out
- no one suspects anything negative of you
- you always allowed to go out
- you can contact your magical team easily
- villains (if you want villans to fight) turn up at convenient times
- villains (if you want villans to fight) turn up at desired times
- monsters (if you want monsters to fight) turn up at convenient times
- monsters (if you want monsters to fight) turn up at desired times
- once a fight is over, everyone's memory of it is erased (except yours and your team)
- once a fight is over, everyone's memory of magical girls is erased (except yours and your team)
- be able to black out all CCTV cameras within a mile radius on demand by thinking it or saying it (if you desire)
- you easily have visions and see angel numbers from the universe
- visions are about your magical girl life
- angel numbers give you knowledge in what you should do
- visions give you knowledge in what you should do
- you acknowledge the visions you have
- the universe guides you with your magical girl life
- sense of danger is enhanced
* sense nearing danger easily
* sense urgent danger easily
* sense impending doom easily
* sense unwanted danger easily
* sense potential danger easily
* sense immidiate danger easily
* sense threats to yours + others wellbeing easily
* able to avoid all danger easily

I'm wondering if there is anything I should add!

I might use this myself, I can't have my villain turn up on a Thursday, I have a heavy schedule those day!

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