🌸ears + tail subliminal

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I'm planning to make a 'Get ears + tail' subliminal with these animals: cat, fox, bunny and puppy dog

I want to know if there any more benifits I should add in!

ᴇғғᴇᴄᴛs 🌷
- get tail + ears
- grow retractable ears + tail
- grow desired sized ears + tail
- grow desired shape ears + tail
- get desired colour ears + tail
- easily hide tail + ears at any time
- grow fully functional ears + tails
- all senses are enhanced
* ears hear every single sound
* ears can understand layers of noise
* can hear a conversation from any distance away
* nose can detect specific smells
* nose can locate smells origins
* extremely developed sense of taste
* tongue can detect poisons through taste
* feel every vibrations through the air, ground and water
* sense every bump, ripple or wave when you touch something
* can see with amazing detail
* see every detail on things you look at
* can see very far into the distance
* sense of balance is enhanced
* sense heat very well
* sense of all types of energy is enhanced
* magical, spiritual + heat energy sensing is enhanced
- sense of danger is enhanced
* sense nearing danger easily
* sense urgent danger easily
* sense impending doom easily
* sense unwanted danger easily
* sense potential danger easily
* sense immidiate danger easily
* sense threats to yours + others wellbeing easily
* able to avoid all danger easily

I feel like using it myself when I make it... but I already use a magical girl sub, I don't think I could handle being a magical girl neko!

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