🌸detailed REBOOT!

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my mg name is flora, but that is just the short title. my full mg name is legendary warrior of dreams, guardian flora! this slight change of concept was inspired by my procrastination + laziness, that i'm now finally over!

also my desired reality [dr] self is quite busy: school is a factor, i also plan to work part time in a shop i created, i even created an j-idol group in my country just in case i want to be one [mostly because I literally have no idea of what i want to be nor am i sure whether I want to go uni], my life is full of friends + fun!

so, I need a simpler concept.

the story

thousands of years ago, 3 magical devices were made. they were locked secure in hope kingdom's safe of light. the safe was made to only be accessed by those worthy.

unfortunately, the kingdom next to them hated them. désespoir kingdom decided to overtake hope kingdom. unfortunately, they succeeded.

désespoir kingdom wasn't always like this, the rulers were friends with hope kingdom's rulers, but a misunderstanding caused a complete brake of trust and so that kingdom slowly went into despair and became désespoir kingdom.

anyway, in midst of the take over, prince kanata got the 3 devices and took 2 of his most trusted servant fairies and told them to go far away and search for warriors worthy of it.

the 2 fairies, pafu + aroma, travelled to this dimension earth, where they search around for people worthy.

unknowingly, while travelling they dropped a device. this was soon to be found by someone later on.

eventually, they found the 2 people worthy and gave them the device. obviously, it didn't go as smoothly as they wanted, but they expected it.  [they studied human behaviour intensively while receiving training to be a full royal servant]. however things got better and the 2 people's worlds were changed for the better.

meanwhile, désespoir kingdom was desperately searching for the devices. then they realised, they were on earth.


3 transformation devices :

[🌸] floral brace | 1st

[💫] galaxy brace | 2nd

[🍃] windy brace | 3rd

[🌸] can control + manipulate flowers

[💫] can control + manipulate stars + light

[🍃] can control + manipulate wind

these bracelets can do a lot of things, but in general all can:

- wipe cctv cameras + people's memory

- heal people

- stop time

- complete reversal of fight damage

- teleport us to hq

- complete access to hope kingdom's safe of light where more devices lie

- teleportation

- ability to understand every language in the world

each brace has slightly different attack purposes, but in general attacks are healing + can't hurt people.

[🌸] purifying

[💫] shields

[🍃] blasts

each person has 3 attacks, each more powerful than the last. the attacks are gained from the energy of a purified monster.

there are also 3 duo attacks, and 2 group attacks, one of them being the final attack.

villians + monsters [zetsuborg]

the rulers of désespoir kingdom chose 3 servants to fight for the devices, close, lock and shut. they are named the 3 musketeers.

they all can summon monsters and gain power using the negative energy of a person's goal.

when a person's goal is zetsuborg-ed the person goes into a deep sleep and can only be awaken by defeating the zetsuborg.

désespoir kingdom wants all the devices all for themselves and use it to destroy other happy worlds.


this is just part 1 of my concept, i have a lot I need to think about, especially as I want to be fully done planning my shift to my dr. you can ask me any questions about my new concept! 

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