Chapter Four

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The cleaning aspect before the parade was very revealing according to Autumn. She was given a hospital gown with the only tie being around the back of her neck, leaving the backside of her body exposed. She was placed on a metal table with only a thin curtain blocking her from the next tribute.

Autumn's hair was washed and the ends were cut off so her hair looked better taken care of. The top layer of her skin was rubbed off as the beauty people around her scrubbed her skin, roughly. Her eyebrows were thinned out and her entire body was waxed, leaving the only hair on her body on her head. Her nails were reshaped, cleaned, and polished. She was finally ready to meet her stylist.

Autumn was shoved into a small room with another metal table, still wearing nothing but a hospital gown. She waited at least twenty minutes until her stylist walked in the room.

"Hello, I'm Everlee," the man held his hand out to Autumn, who shook it. Everlee surprised Autumn. He wasn't outrageously dressed like the people who cleaned her up were. He had normal, brown hair, a normal face, and his clothes were about as simple as they could be in the Capital. He was definitely not someone you'd think would be a stylist for tributes in the Hunger Games. A Capital official, maybe, but not a stylist.

"My name is Autumn," she introduced herself.

"Please, sit," Everlee motioned towards the metal table behind Autumn. She hopped up on top of it, watching him. "So, why are you here?"

"They put me in this room-"

"No," Everlee stopped Autumn. "Why are you here?" Autumn was silent, not sure how to answer. "I know you volunteered. Why?"

"Annie, the girl I volunteered for, she had a brother. No parents. I don't have any family. If anyone is to die, it shouldn't be her," Autumn admitted. Everlee stared at her for a moment.

"How noble," he mumbled, adjusting the round glasses on his face. "You know what I think? I think you're a girl who has a chance to win. A career I assume?" Autumn nodded. "Of course. You were made for these Games. But I am here to prove that you aren't just another career." Autumn couldn't help but smile. "Because I know you're not. Now, do you want my help?"

"Yes," Autumn spoke.

"How do you get the sponsers to like you?" Everlee asked Autumn.

"You show them you're desirable," Autumn came to realization. Everlee nodded.

"As horrible as it sounds, you need to sell your image. You need to sell yourself. Then they will notice," Everlee looked Autumn in the eye. "So, that is what we are going to do. Make you desirable."


It was the time of the parade and Autumn had never felt more uncomfortable. Autumn's costume was nothing she had ever seen before. She had on a blue bra and underwear. There was fish net gripping her waist, falling to her feet like a skirt. Gems were stuck to her right shoulder and her right breast, making it look like a wave was coming off of her chest and onto her shoulder. But her favorite part of the outfit was the vail. It was crowned on her head with silver pendants keeping it connected to her curled hair. The vail was silver with shiny jewels that increased as the vail got closer to the ground, making the vail look like a white cap forming in the water. The final touch was the different shades of blue and white painted on the sides of her face around the curves of her eyes. They made her green eyes pop against the blue colors.

Autumn had to agree she looked beautiful in the outfit, but she couldn't get over the fact of how revealed she felt. Either way, she kept her head high as she walked out to her chariot.

Tyson was in a similar costume, although he didn't have a vail and the fish net was around his chest like a make-shift shirt. He was also wearing blue undergarments and just by looking at him you could tell the boy was uncomfortable.

"It's okay, Tyson. It'll be over quickly then you can wear clothing again," Autumn smiled at him, trying to reassure the boy. He nodded, trying to keep himself from staring at Autumn as he blushed and felt uncomfortable every time he did.

Finnick, on the other hand, had no problem staring at Autumn as he walked up to the two tributes, an older woman walking with him.

"Quite the getup," Finnick smiled. "How do you feel?"

"Revealing," Autumn admitted. Finnick smiled before leaning close to Autumn.

"Well you look amazing," he whispered in her ear. Autumn stared at Finnick as he pulled away, confused as to what angle he was playing at and how Autumn should play. But she decided she wasn't in the mood for Games.

"Who is this?" Autumn asked, addressing the old woman standing with Finnick.

"Autumn, Tyson, this is Mags. She was my mentor and is another one of yours this year," Finnick smiled at the older woman.

"It's nice to meet you," Autumn smiled at the woman. Mags smiled back before whispering to Finnick.

"She asked if you're possibly the granddaughter of Autumn Gunray," Finnick asked Autumn. She nodded. Mags smiled at Autumn and took her hand, enclasping it in her own. "Apparently they were friends." Mag's face went sad as she stared into Autumn's eyes. She then turned and whispered to Finnick again. "She said that she was very sorry when she died," Finnick told Autumn, looking sorrowful himself. Autumn was unable to respond as a parade coordinator walked up to the group.

"We're on in two minutes," he told them.

Autumn got on the chariot next to Tyson, watching as Finnick and Amethyst walked over and stood next to the chariot.

"Smile, wave, blow kisses, and pretend you're somewhere else," Finnick told Autumn. She nodded.

"Thank you, Finnick," Autumn smiled at him gratefully, before the chariot pulled away.

"Pretend you're somewhere else," Autumn whispered to herself. "Easier said than done."

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