Chapter Fourteen

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The interviews began sooner than expected. Tyson and Autumn were quickly ushered into a line with the other twenty four tributes.

Autumn was standing in front of Tyson. They were told not to speak to each other as the noise might trail into the stage. Autumn thought this was a stupid rule as the audience was to busy cheering and ogling to hear the whispered of the tributes waiting back stage.

Peter's interview mostly consisted of him talking about how strong and deadly he was, which only made Autumn become even more creeped out.

Lavender was very quiet. Her makeup artist obviously wanted to enhance her sharp, wolf like features as there was dark makeup around her eyes and on her cheeks.

Arnis, however, seemed very nervous to be speaking. Autumn was very confused by this boy. He was a career. He was about eighteen years old. And he was strong. Autumn didn't understand why he was so scared. Maybe it was a tactic. He's a very good actor, Autumn thought.

Sooner than she would've like, it was Autumn's turn. As the boy from District Three got on stage, Autumn was taken back behind the curtain.

She looked over her shoulder at Tyson, giving the nervous boy a reassuring smile, before she was lead up the stairs and back stage.

Autumn listened to the laughter that erupted from the crowd every so often and the cheers and clapping whenever the tribute said something funny.

Soon enough, Caesar and the boy from District Three were done as the crowd cheered for him one last time and the boy walked off stage.

"Now next up, District Four!" Caesar yelled, the crowd erupting in cheers. "Let's see if these two tributes will be as beloved as their mentor, Finnick Odair," Screams came from the crowd at the sound of Finnick's name and the camera zoomed in on his face, no doubt. "Now our first tribute from District Four is a beautiful young girl. A volunteer." Even more cheers erupted. "She got a score of twelve. You know her, you love her, Autumn Reeves!"

Autumn was given a small shove from one of the stage coordinators, telling her that it was time for her to walk on stage. Autumn stepped forward, the harsh lighting blinding her and the crowd's screaming deafening her. Autumn focused on keeping a smile on her face and putting one foot in front of the other, as it was impossible to think about anything more.

Caeser kissed her hand, but she couldn't quite remember when he had taken it. She found herself sitting, but she couldn't remember when she moved to sit down. Her thoughts finally came back to her once the yelling of the audience stopped, waiting for her and Caeser to speak.

"Well you look just lovely tonight," Caeser smiled.

"Well don't go flattering me, Caeser," Autumn joked. Laughter came from the crowd and Caeser, making Autumn a little more confident. Autumn glanced at Finnick, who was sitting front row in the crowd. He gave her a small nod and a smile, letting her know she was doing well.

"You're funny," Caeser continued to laugh before going onto the next subject. "So I want to ask the question that I think everyone is wondering, how did you possibly score a twelve on your private training with the Game Makers?"

"I'm stronger than I look, trust me," Autumn laughed, the crowd laughing along with her. "And I'm honestly not sure. I just showed the Game Makers what I could do and the rest was up to them."

"Well I'm sure I'm not the only one who was very surprised to see you had gotten the highest number possible," Caeser smiled.

"I believe I was just as surprised as you," Autumn smiled a fake smile back at him. Autumn had spent the entire day perfecting her fake smile and laugh so that it could fool even President Snow. She was glad she had worked in this now as her happy expressions seemed to gain her the crowd's favor.

"So I would like to talk a little about your Reaping," Caeser shifted in his seat. Autumn nodded. "I understand you volunteered?"

"Yes, I did," Autumn nodded.

"The girl you volunteered for, were you two good friends? What was your relationship with her?" Caeser asked, now serious.

Autumn hesitated, not sure how to answer. This was a serious question that she couldn't wiggle her way out of. If all else fails, be honest. But if she was to be honest she would stand up right at this moment and scream at the crowd. She would tell them how they should be disgusted with themselves for supporting these games. She would scream and shout and tell every single one of these people that they need to start acting like human beings and not wild animals that want to watch other animals tear each other apart.

"Honestly, I had only talked to her a few times before," Autumn spoke, fidgeting with the ring on her finger. "She had a brother. She's all the young boy has left. And I knew she couldn't go into the Games. I couldn't let a brother go at risk for loosing his sister."

Caeser nodded. It was clear this was not the answer he was looking for. It was much more serious than he thought.

"Wonderful," Caeser smiled. "Now let's talk about the man from your District."

"Tyson, yes," Autumn nodded, but lost confidence when Caeser shook his head with a laugh.

"No, no, no. I'm talking about your mentor," Caeser told Autumn. The crowd laughed.

"Finnick?" Autumn asked, needing clarification as she couldn't understand why Caeser would want to talk about Finnick.

"Yes, well I'm just curious," Caeser smiled at the crowd. "You two are very close in age. And there have been some rumors that some romantic things are happening between you two. Can you elaborate?"

Autumn looked into the crowd to see Finnick sitting there. He didn't look surprised, but simply smiled at Autumn as if to say, you got this. Autumn took a deep breath before turning back to Caeser.

"Well I can't let you into my entire personal life," Autumn joked, earning laughter.

"Not even just a little?" Caeser asked. Autumn let out a fake laugh.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I guess you'll just have to wait," Autumn smiled.

"Being with you is never a disappointment," Caeser smiled at her, wrapping up the interview. Caeser took Autumn's hand and they both stood up together. "Autumn Reeves!"

The crowd went crazy once again, scream and chanting Autumn's name. For one second, Autumn smiled a real smile at them. For one second, Autumn felt like she wasn't alone. And then that second was over and Autumn remembered where she was and what was happening. Tomorrow the Games would begin.

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