Chapter Seven

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Autumn walked out of her room to find everyone awake, sitting on the couches around the TV. Amethyst turned to look at her with a scolding glare. Strangely, she looked more normal than usual as her wig was a dark red color and her only drastic makeup choice is the light blue eyeshadow on her eyelids.

"Nice of you to join us," Amethyst smiled at Autumn. Autumn would've thought Amethyst was mocking her, but judging by the gentle smile on her lips Amethyst truly was glad Autumn didn't have to be dragged out of her room.

"Are we watching the other Reapings?" Tyson asked as Autumn sat down on one of the couches next to Finnick. Finnick gladly accepted Autumn's presence next to him and didn't mind her closeness as the couch wasn't meant for more than two people.

Tyson's question was answered as the television flickered to life and showed footage of District One. The District was wealthy looking. The Justice Hall was big and the stage was made of marble. District Four had similar circumstances, but Autumn felt bad for the high number districts.

The escort of District One smiled and welcomed the crowd of eager looking kids, some of them smiling as she walked over to the bowl and pulled out the girl's name.

"Gresla Feeson," the escort announced. Cheers erupted from the crowd as a pretty girl with black hair walked out of the crowd and up to the stage. She smiled and blew kisses at both the camera and the crowd of her peers. Autumn stared at the TV in disgust.

"And the boys," the escort walked over to the bowl holding the male names. "Peter Esnar."

An older boy around eighteen with brown hair walked out of the crowd with a smirk. He had a muscular build and a permanent expression on his face that suggested blood lust.

Autumn leaned forward in her seat, recognizing him. It was the boy that had stared at her after the parade the night before. She disliked his wondering eyes. How they had scanned her revealed body. But she disliked even more the fact that when she had caught him, he showed no embarrassment for having been seen staring at her.

"Watch our for Peter," Finnick told Tyson and Autumn. "He's a career. Very good with a sword."

"What about the girl?" Autumn asked, leaning back in her seat next to Finnick. Finnick shrugged.

"She's young. Only about sixteen. Shouldn't be too much of a threat," Finnick spoke. Autumn nodded, absorbing this information.

They moved on to District Two. A young girl was Reaped but volunteered for before the escort could say her last name. The girl that volunteered seemed strange. Her name was Lavender Spensiv. Her eyes were piercing with a slender nose in between and her hair was dyed and unnatural purple color.

The boy from District Two, Arnis, was seventeen or so. He had red hair and freckles all over his face. He did not seem happy to be Reaped, although his family and friends cheered loudly and excitedly.

District Three wasn't anything special. A fourteen year old girl and a sixteen year old boy. Amethyst commented about how they were both likely to die in the bloodbath and that both Tyson and Autumn need not worry about those two.

Next up was District Four. Both Tyson and Autumn leaned forward in their seats as they watched the all to familiar video footage of their home. They saw the crowd they had walked out of and the Justice Building stage they had set foot on.

Amethyst smiled and squealed as she saw herself on TV. Finnick, on the other hand, stared at the ring in his finger as the video of himself giving the speech played. Autumn didn't blame him. She had to force herself to keep her eyes on the TV.

"Annie Cresta," The voice of Amethyst called out. Autumn watched as the TV focused on the red head girl who looked terrified. The TV then scanned over the crowd, stopping in Autumn who had suddenly started walking out into the walk way.

"I volunteer as tribute!" Autumn's voice yelled out. The camera zoomed in on her blank face and Autumn walked up onto the stage.

"Oh, a volunteer? How exciting!" The recording of Amethyst spoke. Autumn saw Amethyst mouth the words she said on the tape out of the corner of her eye.

Autumn looked determined in the video. She looked like she didn't volunteer for fame or glory as she didn't have a smirk or a smile in her face. It was clear that by Autumn's expression, anyone watching could tell she didn't volunteer to win. She volunteered for something bigger than that. Autumn mentally thanked herself for keeping her composer. She didn't what all of Panem to see her scared. Autumn then vowed to herself that as long as she could help it, she would not let her fear show in the Games.

Finnick stared at Autumn, watching her reaction. She looked sad, but also proud. Finnick wasn't sure why Autumn volunteered for that girl, especially if Autumn had no interest in winning the Games.

Tyson then came on screen and looked much more terrified than Autumn had. Autumn felt bad for Tyson. She looked over at the poor boy. He was so young. Innocent. He shouldn't be playing games like these. As Autumn stared at Tyson she vowed that she would protect him. This boy was like a little brother to Autumn and he had to live, not her. He should go home.

Once the Reaping was over, Amethyst smiled at her two tributes. Tyson continued to stare at the screen, terrified of the tributes he had just seen. Autumn looked at the metal ring on her right hand, reminding her of Annie and District Four.

"So, who are you going to ally with?" Amethyst asked, interested.

"No one," Autumn spoke. Looking up at Amethyst. "Tyson. Just Tyson and I." Autumn looked at the boy who smiled with gratitude at his District partner. He knew she didn't have to ally with him, and yet she had.

"Smart," Finnick told Autumn. "Now you two should go get ready for training." The two tributes nodded, standing up and walking off to their rooms.

"Don't worry," Autumn put a hand on Tyson's shoulder as they walked. She smiled down at him. "We'll do this together."

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