Chapter Eleven

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Tyson and Autumn were both beyond anxious. But only was it the last day of training, but that afternoon they would show off their skills to the game makers and they would be judged. The number you are scored could mean the difference between life and death.

"Can we practice our skills now?" Autumn asked Finnick at breakfast.

"Sure, since it's the last day of training and you have to show them off tonight," Finnick nodded. "Also, they are apparently going to have a small pool at today's training and tonight at the show off. I want you both to see how long you can hold your breath underwater."

Autumn and Tyson both nodded. If they can hold their breath for a long time, that would definitely be impressive.

"Just find a way to make them pay attention," Finnick finished. Easier said than done.


Training was short today as they had to have enough time to get through all of the show offs.

All of the tributes were required to go through an obstacle corse, lined up by district. Autumn began the obstacle corse, jumping from different blocks that were about two feet off the ground. She then had to climb up a rope and climb down, which wasn't a problem. She finished the obstacle corse by crawling under wire. She was the second fastest to get through, the first being the girl from District Three as she was very small and fast.

Autumn was small for her age which made her fast, but she was also strong. She could wrestle pretty well and had been good at hand to hand combat.

Tyson also got through the corse pretty quickly, earning a hug from Autumn at the end. The two of the tributes separated as Tyson went to the swords and Autumn went to the knives and spears. They both eventually met up again, practicing with the tridents. Tyson and Autumn hadn't spent much time working with tridents as they both we already pretty good with them and a trident wasn't likely to be put in the Games.

The two of them ended training at the small pool, dunking themselves under water to see how long they could last. Autumn had to convince Tyson to do it, although it took fifteen minutes. He didn't want to go underwater as it reminded him of his parents drowning.
Autumn asked the trainer controlling that area if they could both do it together, but the trainer insisted that it was only one at a time.

Autumn went first, dunking her body under the water. She let her body float, peacefully, in the water. She closed her eyes and put her mind on anything but the small burning in her lungs that was beginning to build. The trick was to not think about it.

Autumn stayed underwater for as long as she could until the burning became unbearable and she came up for air. She gasped as she broke the surface, her heart racing.

"Six minutes and twenty three seconds," the trainer spoke, impressed. Autumn smiled as she got out of the pool, drying herself with a towel. It was then Tyson's turn.

Tyson was able to stay under the water for about thirty seconds before he came up and jumped out of the pool, beginning to hyperventilate. Autumn quickly calmed him down so that the other tributes didn't see him at a weak moment.

Autumn and Tyson the walked to the elevator, going up to their floor to get ready before the show offs.


"You'll do great," Finnick hugged Autumn, holding in a little longer than he needed too, but Autumn didn't mind. "And so will you." Finnick smiled at Tyson as he let go of Autumn. "Just show them what you got."

The two District partners went down in the elevator to the training center. Peacekeepers then lead them to a waiting area outside of the training center where the rest of ten tributes were sitting.

Silence consumed the twenty four tributes for a while, none of them bothering to look at one another, except Peter. He continued to stare at Autumn, which made her uncomfortable. She wondered why. Did he find her attractive? Was he trying to intimidate her? His face was so emotionless that it was unreadable.

Soon, Gresla was called into the training center. Followed by Peter. Then District Two, then District Three. And then it was Autumn and Tyson.

"Autumn Reeves, District Four," The automated voice echoed over the intercom in the waiting room. Autumn gave a small smile to Tyson before getting up and walking through the long hallway.

Once Autumn reached the double doors of the Training Center, she took in a deep breath. For the first time since she had gotten to the Capital, she was all alone. But that moment was over as she opened up the door, walking in.

The Training Center looked the same as it always did. The different sections were set up, depending on what the tribute wanted to show the Game Makers.

The Game Makers we're starting to become bored as they realized how long this would take. They always had their attention on District One and Two, but after that their interest began to deteriorate. No wonder District Twelve got such bad scores. It's not completely because the tributes are unskilled, but it's also because the Game Makers don't care enough to watch.

Autumn walked over to the knives, picking up a few of them and throwing them, quickly, hitting the dummies in the head. She then went to the spears, throwing four different spears at the same dummies, hitting them in the chest.

Autumn looked up at the Game Makers, seeing only one or two out of the twenty or thirty paying attention. Suddenly enraged, Autumn walked up closer to the balcony.

"You!" Autumn yelled, pointing her finger at a Game Maker. He was probably about thirty or so. Autumn made a motion for him to come down from the balcony and join her in the training center. To Autumn's surprise, he ate down his glass of wine, and did as he was told.

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