17 - Valentine's day magic

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I've officially decided that the next time Seamus asks me out, I'm going to accept. Hermione being the main reason for that. I told her and only her that Draco had warned me and although she thought that was very sweet of him, she also saw that it gave me false hope.

So she was going to help me get over him. The first step being not contacting him, then not thinking about him and in the end, moving on. She was kind of mixing all of those steps together, mainly focussing on that last one, but I let her. It was for my own good.

Valentine's day was coming up and in Hermione's opinion that was the day I'd make it to the final step. I was walking through the hallway with Cho as a super excited Hermione jumped in front of me.

"Ron convinced Seamus to give it another go. He said that the Valentine's magic might just score him a date and he was sold", she says. Oh dear.

"You're going to finally give that boy a chance?" Cho asks and I sigh.

"I will, but don't expect much from it, he's not my type", I say.

"Well, he might become your type", Hermione says and winks.

They are right. By some miracle I might just get a crush on this dude and forget all about Draco. Probably not, but I'm very much open to the idea. I've let him lead me on for long enough. If he's not making that choice then I will.

Little did I know that that very Draco Malfoy had heard that conversation and was now questioning everything. Not finding a solution that would please anyone, but finding one that would please him.

It happens right after lunch. I am walking out of the Great Hall with Luna and Cho when Seamus pops up in front of me.

"Hey you", he says and smiles.

"Hi Seamus, how are you doing?" I ask.

"Very good, thanks. I've been meaning to ask you something", he starts.

In the corner of my eyes I can see Draco in the distance, looking at me. Every inch of me is screaming to just decline Seamus again, but I can't. I can't let him control me like that when I know it's not going to lead anywhere.

"Shoot", I say and try to stay calm.

"Well I was wondering whether you wanted to go to Hogsmeade this weekend", he says. "With me." This is the moment.

"I would-"

Before I can accept I'm being turned around by my waist and I feel a pair of lips kissing mine. In shock I put my hands on this person's chest and pull away. Two silvery blue eyes staring into mine.

"Draco?" I ask in pure shock.

I hear an echo of that through the hallway. Pansy is storming up to us.

"What did you just do?" I ask in disbelieve. What the hell just happened? He kissed me, in public and Pansy saw.

"Why?" I whisper.

"Because I don't care anymore. I just want you."

"Your dad is going to kill you", I whisper.

"I think I'd rather have my dad skin me alive then having to endure this any longer", he says and for a second time, his lips touch mine and this time I do kiss back. Maybe I shouldn't, I'm supposed to be getting over him, not even more attracted, but standing here, I could never. I don't possess that kind of self control.

"I guess that's a no", Seamus says and I turn around in shock.

"Yep, it is", Draco says and I push my elbow in his stomach.

"I'm sorry Seamus, I would've said yes if it wasn't for this git", I say smiling.

"It's okay. Odd for you to go out with Malfoy, but it's okay", he walks away and I turn around again.

"I hate you", I say.

"No you don't", he says.

"Yes I do." Before I realise what's going on, he has swooped me up and is carrying me outside.

"Draco, get back here!" Pansy is screaming at us, but Draco ignores her.

"Let me go, you twat", I say and slam his back laughing. He puts me down when we reach the lake.

"You have such a big mouth", he says grinning.

"Well, what are you going to do about it, Mal foi", I say emphasizing the french part.

He pulls me to him and kisses me passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck and can't stop smiling.

"I still think you're a dick for taking half a year to do this", I say.

"Hey, it was complicated."

"For all you know I could've been with someone else by now."

He pushes a strand of hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear.

"But you're not."

"No, I'm not." I lean in and kiss him softly. I haven't been seeing anyone else because I'm pretty sure that I don't just like him anymore. Otherwise I wouldn't have been so stupid to still act towards him the way I do. It's been four months since our first kiss and we didn't date at any point, yet I was still hoping for it to happen. And I'm glad I waited.

"I have to go, I have Arithmancy with Hermione", I say. It's an elective class and the only one I have with Hermione, so it's safe to say that it's one of my favorites.

"That's the most boring class ever, can't you just skip it?" he says and I shake my head.

"Most definitely not. It's fun, you should try it sometime"' I say and turn around. He pulls me back for one more kiss and then he lets me go.

I feel like I'm dreaming and all of this isn't real. Just half an hour ago I was ready to go on a date with Seamus and now all of the sudden I'm dating Draco like it's the most normal thing in the world. And on freaking Valentine's day of all days. How ridiculous does that sound? I was not realizing yet how quick that all went, but I didn't really mind.

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