33 - Draco, come

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We're standing outside and everyone is looking at the scene in front of us.

"Stupid girl, Harry Potter is dead", Voldemort says and I grab Draco's hand. Not Harry too, no more deaths please. Draco puts his hand on my waist and pulls me closer. I burry my head in the crook of his neck, needing his support.

"From this day forth, you will put your faith in me", he says. I'd rather die.

Everyone is looking defeated. Harry was the face and the heart and everything of this. He was the one to give us hope and to make us believe that we could do this. Have we actually lost the war?

"Harry potter is dead!" Voldemort screams and all his followers start to laugh. All but two, Draco Malfoy and his mother.

"And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us", he says and opens his arms. "Or die."

This is it. This is really it. I can't help but squeeze Draco's hand. I need to know that he's still there. I can feel him looking at me, but I force myself not to look back. This is his decision to make and I can't show him how scared I am. I try to stop my hands from shaking, but I can't help it.

"Draco", I hear and I look up scared. It's his father, motioning him to come. I have never seen his father, but the resemblance is uncanny.

"Draco", he repeats and I can feel Draco's hand shaking too.

"Draco, come", his mum now says and I know that that's a weak spot for him. As much as he despises his father, he loves his mother and would do anything to keep her safe. If she wants him to join them, then he will. The blood leaves my face and my breathing is unsteady. my worst fear is becoming reality. Draco is leaving me again and I can't even blame him this time. Leaving me means getting to live and having his family with him. Staying with me would only result in death and I definitely don't want him to die. Yet that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt.

"You should go", I say slowly. "I understand. It's the right choice to make", I say and look into his eyes to show him that I mean it, because I really do. Tears are starting to form in my eyes so I quickly advert my eyes again.

And I slowly feel his hand sliding away from mine and I can't help the sobs from taking over. It's like the temperature has just dropped to freezing point and I start to shake even more. I'm going to die without him.

"Well done Draco", Voldemort says and Draco stops. I bring a hand to my mouth to stop my cries, but I can't. I feel a hand around my shoulder and me legs are starting to give out.

Draco looks back and looks straight into my eyes. I can see the pain in his eyes, which only makes it worse.

"How sad, your little girlfriend can always come along", Voldemort says, which makes me shiver. Draco is still looking at me and I his eyes are telling me to come with him, but I can't. I would never. I'd much rather die. Even if that means losing Draco and Merlin, does that hurt. The thought alone of never being able to hug him again, to never be able to kiss him again. It's tearing me apart. Why did I start dating him again? I should have just said yes to Seamus when I had the chance and then I wouldn't feel like this. I wouldn't be as hurt as I am now and I wouldn't care as much for the blonde guy as I do now. I start getting dizzy.

But I did start dating him again. And I know I did it because I had hope. I had hope that maybe, just maybe he would pick me. That I wouldn't lose him in the end. How stupid of me. How naive am I? Why would he make that choice whilst I am not even choosing that. Whilst I am telling him not to choose that. I know that it's best for him to leave me. Then why did I have hope in the first place?

I love him, I love him so much. That's why. It's why I stayed and tell him to go.

I shake my head and close my eyes, trying to calm down, but it's no use. When I open them again, Draco is looking back at his parents.

Hope really is a tricky thing. It left me more shattered in the end than I'd be without it.

"Come on Draco, your family is waiting for you", Voldemort says and points at his parents, standing there in pure insecurity. Draco doesn't move. It's like everyone is waiting for Draco to do something and the pressure is killing him.

He looks back at me and all colour has drained from his face. He has to do this. His family is important to him. I know I'll die today, but at least I'll know that he is safe with his family, even though it is on the dark side.

I force a smile and nod, telling him it's okay. He has to live and this is the only way.

But he still doesn't move, what is he doing? It won't take long before the Dark Lord is going to lose his patience.

"Draco", he says and I can see the darkness in his eyes. Suddenly, Draco's eyes leave mine and look straight at Voldemort.

"I have family on this side too, and I've hurt her way too much already", he says and steps backwards. Then he breaks out into a run until he's reached me and pulls me closely against him. What did he just do? 

"I love you", he says and his voice is shaky. He's scared.

"Draco, you'll die. Go to your family, you're safe there", I say desperately and slowly push him away. As much as I love him for choosing me, he is choosing death and I don't want Draco to die.

"I'd rather be dead with you than alive without you", he says and kisses me.

"Bad choice, young man", the Dark Lord says and raises his wand. My eyes widen and I quickly grab mine.

"Expelliarmus!" I scream before he can cast a spell and his wand flies into the air.

And then, all hell breaks loose.

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