29 - You should and you can

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I fall back again and rub my eyes, trying to process what just happened.

I stand up and walk out, completely flustered.

"Y/N! Y/N, what happened?" Hermione comes running down the hall with Ron. I can't bring out a word.

"Y/N, talk to me", she says and puts both hands on my shoulders.

"Harry... Harry, he tried.... he tried to kill him", I say in shock.


After that night, things got back to normal. Draco recovered and I had to keep myself from visiting him in the Hospital Wing so many times. Draco and I talked very little. Only when we were certain that no one else was around. It was good to have him back in my life again though, even if it was just for a couple of moments a month. I didn't talk to Harry. I couldn't even look him in the eyes. He tried apologizing, but the only thing he did was defend himself, saying he had to because Dray was going to use the Cruciatus curse on him. This one time I screamed at him to stop always putting the blame on other people. He stopped apologizing after that.

Draco broke a lot of promises in the past school year, but there was one that he did not break. On May 15th, he was there. From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep. We talked for hours in the Owlery. Also about him, he told me all about growing up on the dark side. About his aunt and his dad and everything is between. It was nice getting to know him some more. It put everything in perspective.

I knew that I couldn't stop him from doing what he had to do without bringing him in danger, so I didn't. And as he said, he didn't tell me when it was going to happen. All at once, Dumbledore was dead. The thought of Draco killing him, the man who was always so kind to me, made me feel odd. I didn't like it one bit. I almost convinced myself that it was time to forget him, until Harry told me that Draco wasn't the one to kill Dumbledore. Snape was. And again that little flame grew that told me that Draco was a good person and I didn't know whether that was a good thing or not.

Because my dad hadn't fully recovered yet, I stayed at The Burrow that summer, or at least, for a little while. Harry was brought in by the Order of the Phoenix and I talked things out with him, even though I still despised what he did. I hung around Fred and George a lot because there was always something going on with those two, which was great distraction. They even tried pairing me up with their older brother Charlie, but that didn't really work out. Not only was he seven years older than me, he wasn't really my type.

Everything was good until Bill and Fleur's wedding which was ruined by Death Eaters. I was panicking like crazy, until Luna took my hand and we apparated to her house. Just another reminder of how cruel Death Eaters are.

I let the Weasley's know that I'd be staying at Luna's until the new school year began. And that's what I did.

Arriving at Hogwarts was very much different from the two previous years. Everything had changed and everyone was scared. Snape had become headmaster and little people were happy with that. Even the Slytherins weren't fond of him anymore after they heard that he assassinated Dumbledore.

I was very relieved to see Draco sitting in the Great Hall. I hadn't heard from him all summer and even though I was slowly getting over him, it still felt great to know that he was alive. Harry, Ron and Hermione weren't though. The three of them apparated together from Bill and Fleur's wedding and I hadn't seen them ever since.

The Carrow twins had the task of keeping order around Hogwarts and they did that in a not so kind way. It was clear that this wasn't going to be a great year at Hogwarts. I wish I could go back to Ilvermorny, but unfortunately I didn't have a choice.

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