34 - She is my home now

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Harry is not dead. He's very much alive and now chasing Voldemort. I pull Draco into the castle, knowing that most Death Eaters who haven't apparated away will be coming for him. Luckily, others have noticed that too and yet again defeat as many Death Eaters as possible. There are way less Death Eaters than before, which is kind of relieving, but I'm still very happy to have learned so many spells in my years of magic school.

I don't leave his side for even a second, not risking losing him. I scream multiple spells, keeping the Death Eaters away from him and he does the same. I'm surprised at how many spells he knows.

And then it's over. All Death Eaters are gone and Voldemort is killed by Harry. We're all sitting in the Great Hall, processing what has just happened. The moment of victory, where everyone was happy and glad that it is over had past, and reality started to sink in. The dead bodies were still waiting for us in the Great Hall. Draco has left my side for a second and is now sitting with his family. They switched sides last minute, yet everyone is suspicious of them. I don't blame them. I see them walking up to me and I stand up, feeling the urge to present myself nicely.

"I've heard you're the girl who stole my boy's heart", Draco's mum says.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you Mrs Malfoy", I say and shake her hand. I must be looking rough, after everything that went down today.

"Likewise, call me Narcissa", she says and smiles. She seems nice.

"Lucius Malfoy", Draco's father says and I force to keep the smile on my face.

"Y/L/N, your father works for the Ministry?" he asks and I nod, sad thoughts crossing my mind just by thinking of him.

"Half-blood, I believe, I never got the chance to meet your mother", he says and I see Draco shooting him daggers.

"Let's go", Draco says and puts a hand on my arm.

"Draco, we're heading back home soon", Narcissa says.

"I'm staying here", he says and pulls me with him. He doesn't seem too happy with his parents.

"Draco, just wait a second", I say, not wanting him to fight with them. They're still his parents.

"You're not coming home with us?" Lucius asks, but Draco's eyes don't leave mine. He's looking at me intensely and I can't help but smile a little as I see the twinkle in his eyes.

"She is my home now", he says. He takes my hand and pulls me with him.

"Such a savage", I mumble and he chuckles.


Draco is sitting next to me and he's staring into nowhere. He has been doing that for half an hour now and I don't know what to do. He seems so... lost.

"Do you regret it?" I ask and that makes him look at me.

"What do you mean?" he asks and his voice is raspy.

"Disobeying your parents because of me, do you regret it?" I ask and fear the answer. He smiles slightly, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"No, I don't. It'd do it all over again. I just want my mum to be okay. I don't know if the mansion is a safe place right now so soon after the battle", he says and takes my hand.

"Then we'll go to your mansion. We'll check up on them", I say, but he shakes his head.

"It's too dangerous. Our mansion was his headquarters. If there are any Death Eaters that haven't been arrested yet and who are angry with me, that'll be the place for them to look first", he says. Of course, he's thinking two steps ahead already.

"Then send her a letter, I'm sure she wants to know how you're feeling too", I say and he nods.

"I will, but not now", he says and pulls me close to him. It's over, and Draco is still with me. And I love him so, so much.

We spend weeks repairing Hogwarts. The damage that's been done is indescribable. We bury the dead properly or send them to their families. We fix the walls and the tables and the bridges. If it weren't for magic, the castle would have collapsed already. Hogwarts is a mess and yet, underneath all the rubble, there is hope. Hope that things will be better from now on. The Dark Lord is officially dead. Not hidden in Horcruxes or anything. Dead. Peaceful times lay ahead, but also times of grief and times of sadness. Hogwarts has never had to swallow so much and everyone is involved.

After another day trying to fix what was broken, I'm sitting on the edge of a wall with Draco. We haven't talked much in these past days. There wasn't much to talk about.

He has finally sent his mother a letter, but was still waiting for an answer. I had sent a letter to my dad, receiving the address from McGonagall. I hadn't seen him in two years and I needed to know whether he was okay. These are the times when you realise how important family is, whatever happened.

"So, what are we going to do?" I ask Draco as I lean my head on his shoulder.

"We'll see what the letters say. Possibly go visit my parents", he says. "And your dad."

"And after that?"

"I don't know. Do you still want to become a teacher?" he asks and I smile.

"Yes. Defence against the dark arts", I say and he chuckles.

"Then we'll see. Get a house somewhere, and maybe..."

"Maybe what?" I ask.

"Maybe, when we have settled somewhere and everything has calmed down and I have a ring, you can marry me", he says and my eyes widen. I look at him and his face turns crimson red. He wants to marry me someday?

I grab him by his collar and kiss him passionately.

I love him, so so much.

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