Chapter 20

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I laugh loudly" come on let me see his picture, " Emma says attempting to take my phone from me.

I am currently having a sleepover with Emma in her room since she thinks we don't spend time together anymore so I decided to spend this night with my best friend" wait let me search for his picture" I say scrolling through my phone for a picture of William which I took from his phone at the shop today.

I gave her the phone after finding his picture " he is good looking" she says laughing while staring at the device.

"He blushes when embarrassed, " I say laying on the bed with my hand resting on my belly making myself comfortable.

"This cute guy asked you out on a date?" she questions placing the phone on the nightstand emphasizing each word dramatically.

"Come on Emma, I said this before, this is not a date, we are just hanging out as friends and besides I would have declined if it was a date, " I say for the tenth time.

"Okay no need to be defensive," she mumbles sarcastically.

We both lay on our back on the bed, eyes directly focus on the ceiling watching the fan rotate while enjoying the solace of the night.

"Shiloh" Emma breaks the silence which was already guarding me to sleep "I have a question for you," she says calmly while I reply with a low yes suppressing a yawn " what if tomorrow when you wake up and find out all this was just a dream would you be happy or sad?" She asks tentatively.

I contemplate the question for a few seconds" it will be more of a lesson than a dream to me, and I would be happy because it will help me make better choices," I say counting each word with meaning.

"I have a question for you, " I say softly meeting her gaze" if you were in my shoes would you give up on Damian or fight for your love?" I ask reluctantly.

" I won't let him get rid of me that easily," she says in a serious tune" Shiloh don't you think it's time you stop making excuses?" She asks before resting her back on the headboard.

I stare at her in confusion" I don't make excuses except when needed" I say matter of fact.

She rolls her eyes at me with a sigh" I don't mean that way " she says pausing momentarily urging me to sit up which I did resting my back on the headboard.

"What am saying should stop making alibis for everyone like the way you convince yourself your parents negate you, but believe it's for your interest or the fact you let Sylvia diss you, also letting Chance threat you this way after investing so much for this relationship," she says dolesomely staring at a blank space.

"I don't make justifications for anyone, " I declare umbrage.

I don't know what Emma is kicking out, I don't make alibis it's just the fact my parents treat me with respect and my sister cares while Chance is um.... following his heart.

" Shiloh you can't hide anything from me give up these games" she sighs closing her eyes for a few seconds before meeting my gaze " you keep on censuring yourself for their shortcomings. I know how you try doing your best just to get attention from your parents, and how you feel insecure with Chance, feeling you don't deserve him making you do anything just for his sake," she says sadly bringing tears into my eyes.

The tears roll freely down my cheek " what do you expect me to do? Should I act invisible or get angry?" I ask vehemently wiping my tears away.

"Why don't you try making a decision based on yourself, base on your interest not on someone else," she says with a warm smile.

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