Chapter 31

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"Baby, Mommy is going out, be a good boy okay," I say placing a kiss on his forehead as he sleeps in his crib" Chole I will be back for lunch, call if you need anything"

"Okay have a nice day at work," she says with a warm smile before walking into the kitchen going back to prepare breakfast.

I pick up my bag dressed in my usual black jeans, red T-shirt, no time for makeup, and my hair tied into a high bun with my black bag hanging on my shoulders before leaving walking the short distance towards the bus stop.

It is a very busy day in a restaurant with staff running around trying to meet the orders of today's customers.

Checking the time 11:00 am meaning my shift is over, sighing tiredly I place the apron and notepad on the counter getting ready to leave" Shiloh I need you here" Jane calls from the kitchen gaining my attention.

"Coming," I say going towards the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen, she was helping in making the orders, walking towards her I gave her a warm smile which she returns.

Jane is a lady in her mid-thirties with black hair, she helps Shane in directing and managing the restaurant when he is not around.

She is a very nice and friendly lady who cares a lot about her job and family" Jane you called" I say.

"Shiloh could you please stay longer to help in the restaurant since we have a lot of customers at the moment," She asks with a pleading look.

If I do this then I would miss lunch at home but then again it won't be bad to help for a while until I meet with Mum Elaina.

I sigh " okay but I am leaving by 12:30," I say taking the apron from her.

"Thanks, take the order for table 11," she says handling a notepad to me before turning away with a grin on her lip.

I walk back to the staff office, placing my bag on the table before bringing my phone out.

Dialing Chole line she picks at once" Hello, Shiloh everything is alright over here"

"So are you on your way to the house right now for lunch?" She asks.

"That one of the reasons I called, I won't be able to make it for lunch because I have an extra shift and a coffee break with Mum Elaina" I explain freeing my hair from the bun.

"Okay, like I just said before everything is okay here. Wilmer is fast asleep"

"Has he taken his bath and eaten?" I question placing the phone between my shoulder and cheek while putting my hair back into a neat bun.

"Yes I did all that before putting him to sleep"

"Shiloh a customer is waiting for his order" someone announces.

"Thanks call me if you need anything, okay bye," I say hanging up before placing the phone into my bag and walking out to take the order.


"Jane am leaving" I yell placing my bag on my shoulder.

"Bye Shiloh, see you tomorrow, and don't forget to give Summer my message," she says calling from the kitchen.

"I won't forget" I walk out of the restaurant through the back door walking towards the cafe shop where I would be meeting Mum Elaina.

After having that talk yesterday with Sam I just need answers to my dilemma from Mum Elaina.

The cafe is less crowded since it is afternoon, with few people chatting or relaxing with a cup of coffee or snacks.

I chose a booth on the left side of the cafe closer to the window where I could see the wonderful view of the busy road with people going about their daily routine.

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