Chapter 26

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Shiloh Pov:

'What is the source of that infuriating sound' I blink my eyes open with much difficulty before hissing from the bright light coming from the window.

I twirl my eyes around the room to find out which room I am in since my memory is all messed up.

I am currently lying on a bed, a hospital bed but what am I doing in a hospital? did I meet with an incident?.

The room is actually not too small or too big, it is suitably arranged neatly and it even scents nice.

At the other corner of the room opposite the bed, they are two small couches and a wooden table in the middle, the two windows were opened and the white and blue blinds were pulled open letting the sun rays in.

The irritating noise was coming from the heart monitor connected to my finger.

What exactly happened?, I search through my mind for any reminder like why I am currently in a hospital.

Bit and pieces of information came crawling into my mind. I remembered fighting with Sam and Chance, I also remembered leaving and driving towards the church... But wait a minute something is missing from this room.

I twirl my eyes around the room taking every slight detail but there was no crib anywhere in this room.

I place my shaky hands on my belly feeling it was no longer hard and big but a bit swollen and tender.

My breath becomes heavy as fear and panic overwhelm me. I can't lose my baby. I didn't lose my baby. My baby is alive maybe the nurses took my baby away to check its health or maybe Sylvia and Mum came to take the baby, giving him away. But God you can't let this happen you pledge not to take my baby away and I know you will keep that promise right?. O God, O God.

"Relax and take a deep breath," a feminine voice says beside me while rubbing a circle on my hand placed on my belly " like this, In. Out. In. Out" she repeats.

I follow her instruction taking a deep relaxing breath before feeling my breath coming out at a normal pace, glancing up at the lady standing beside me in a blue top and pants with her blonde hair in a bun, blue eyes, and a smile gracing her lip.

"Who are y-y-you?" My voice came out raspy in a low whisper.

"Wait a second. Take this" she says filling up a glass with water before handing it over to me" and to answer your question, My name is Chole Cali Carter your nurse assigned to you by Mrs. Cristian" she says taking the empty glass before filling it up again.

I gulp down the water giving the empty glass to her" okay let me just check your heartbeat and some other necessary thing" I watch silently answering only her questions.

After removing the blood pressure cuff, heart monitor, and the Iv she left to go get a wheelchair for me before coming back a few minutes later.

Seeing her coming in with a wheelchair I wipe my tears away" okay now let go see your baby"

"My baby?" I ask with a wide grin and boost of happiness.

"Yeah, you actually flatlined during delivering but the doctors were able to bring you back but then again you slipped into a coma" she explains while helping my seat in the wheelchair.

I frown my eyebrows in confusion" how long was I in a coma?"

"You were in a coma for three days," she says wheeling me out of the room.

I gasp surprised " That is a long time"

In no time we stop at the front of a nursery " which one is my baby " I question averting my gaze towards her.

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