Chapter 35

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"Here you go," she says placing my ID card on the counter with a welcoming smile" his office is on the top floor, there you will meet his secretary who will direct you towards his office" she explains.

"Thanks," I say with a nervous smile before leaving towards the elevator.

I grip my bag tightly on my shoulder with tension causing the increase in my heartbeat, I sigh in relief seeing the elevator empty, I press the top floor button waiting silently to get to my destination.

I know I can hear the confusion in your minds but leave it to me to fill you on my latest adventure.

I had a serious conversation with myself over everything that went on yesterday about the kidnapping, rescue, and the hidden truth and I finally concluded with the help of Mum Elaina.

I am here at The Cristian Global Enterprise to meet with Chance and I am so nervous, like what am I going to say or should I even be here now' these questions keep rolling through my mind no matter how prepared I am for this conversation I can't seem to find the right words or the right attitude to this dilemma.

The sound of the elevator opening brings me out of my thought, taking a deep breath I step out of the elevator before walking towards the Secretary's desk.

Her lips form into a welcoming smile from seeing me.

she looked gorgeous, her light brown hair tied into a neat bun, her coffee brown eyes complimenting her brown skin" you must be Miss Santa" she says walking towards me" You are welcome, come with me Mr. Chance is in his office" she says walking through the hallway with me just behind her looking more tense and anxious.

She came to a stop in front of a large brown door before knocking lightly receiving a come in.

She pushes the door open making me gasp at the view, his office is surprisingly beautiful.

I have never been to my Dad or Mum's office so I can't compare but this office is my dream office.

"Hailey you may leave," Chance says getting my attention.

His Secretary which I now know as Hailey reply with a nod giving me a pleasant smile before leaving closing the door behind her leaving me and Chance in intense silence.

I fix my gaze downcast not knowing what my next move should be I don't even know where to start from, so I just stand here staring at the neatly arrange ties with tension and anxiousness creeping through me while Chance's intense gaze burns through me.

Shiloh take a deep breath and relax, you have to do this now, this is the right thing to do no need to be tense or anxious" Shiloh" Chance calls snapping me out of my prep talk.

Taking a deep breath I walk towards his desk still not meeting his gaze before taking a seat in front of him" Shiloh I am so glad you are here today" he says sounding happy.

"I can't possibly say the same," I say under my breath before meeting his gaze.

He is dressed in a business-like manner with his brown hair combed neatly which is unusual and his hazel eyes locked on mine" would you like anything?" He asks.

I shake my head implying a no " or we could go out for lunch?"

"Chance that won't be necessary I am here because I think, no scratch that I know I deserve an explanation to everything that is going on," I say matter of fact.

He took a deep breath before taking a seat beside me then turning my seat making me face him" I know you are mad but..."

I glare at him cutting him off" I'm not mad I'm hurt there's a difference, you loved me and you started ignoring me, do you realize how much it hurts me to see the person changing right in front of my eyes who said he was the best person I could ever have in my life?" I say fighting myself not to shed any tears" you knew exactly what you were doing and that's what hurt the most"

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