28. Are You Ready?

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A/N: Got my first actual hate comment on this story the other day. Mom I made it.

Important note at the end.

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~Harry's Point of View~

I paced back and forth, one hand buried in my hair to keep it out of my face as I panicked.

Louis isn't here.

He left.

Louis left us.

Louis left me.

Those three words fucking hurt. They hurt so much that I literally winced and curled into myself the slightest bit from the pain in my chest.

I don't understand why he would do this. I mean, I know I wasn't exactly pleasant to be around for a while, and I can't tell you why I acted the way I did, but still. I thought what we had, not to sound cliche, was real? I've only been with a couple of people, but I can say without a doubt that I didn't even feel half of what I felt when I was with him. He made the good feel a thousand times better. I've only just realized that he has the same affect when it comes to the bad.

Right after I'd broken out of the stupor brought on by that stupid note I'd gone over to Perrie and Zayn's room. If I would've had any other look on my face I'm sure they would've yelled at me for busting their door down, but when they saw my pained expression they knew something was obviously wrong. I had held the paper tightly between my pointer finger and thumb, keeping it outstretched in front of me as far as my arm would allow with a frown as I waited for one of them to hurry up and grab it. It repulsed me, and I just wanted it away from me. Once it was in Perrie's hands I had left the room, passing up Louis' and heading straight downstairs to the living room.

Now, I reached inside my jeans pocket for my phone, robotically unlocking it and clicking onto my contacts. When I found who I was looking for I dialed them, eyes trained on the floor as I waited for them to answer.

"Harry! Can't talk long. What's up?"

"Did you know?" My voice held no emotion, as did my face.

"Know what?"

I let out a humorless chuckle, "Niall, did you fucking know?"

"Uh, I have no idea what you're talkin' about man. Is somethin' wrong?"

I didn't even bother replying, merely hanging up on him seeing as he wouldn't be giving me any answers. I debated for a few seconds, ignoring Niall as he called back, before dialing another number, my heart making its way up to my throat as I pressed the phone tightly to my ear and waited.

My head snapped in the direction of the stairs when the chorus of a familiar song started faintly playing. My stomach twisted while I hurriedly climbed back up the steps, the music growing louder the closer I got to Louis' room. I could also hear both Perrie and Zayn having separate conversations, but I paid them no attention. As soon as I entered Louis' room I hung up then redialed, eyes zeroing in on the white rectangle on the bedside table that started buzzing a second later.

'We go where nobody knows, we've guns hidden under our petticoats'

I stared at it wide-eyed as it rang, too shocked to even consider moving.

'We're never gonna quit it, no we're never gonna quit it no

Yeah we're dressed in black from head to toe, we've got guns hidden un-'

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