3. Explanations

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A/N: 380 reads! You guys are awesome. I'm so glad you're all enjoying it; I'm having fun writing it as well. I absolutely love the response I've been getting for this story <3

Here's chapter 3! Enjoy & let me know what you think! Also, please read the Author's Note at the end as well.

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting, & fanning :) <3

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"You're awake," I stated, giving him a small smile. He stared at me for a few seconds, blinking occasionally before he replied.

"Yeah, I am." Now that he wasn't stuttering, fearing for his life, or near death his voice sounded absolutely amazing. It was deep and slow, which I found soothing. "What happened?" He asked with a confused expression, running a hand through his messy curls.

"You don't remember?" I asked, frowning slightly. Well fuck, that means I'll have to explain it all now. That's never the most fun thing to do.

"No?" He furrowed his eyebrows and squinted his eyes as if he was concentrating really hard on something. "The last thing I remember was going to a party with my mates and having a few drinks. After that it's all a blur..." He trailed off with an adorable pout.

I set my laptop aside and straightened up, lacing my hands together and bringing them up to my chin in deep thought. "Hmm, I guess the drinks helped to block your memory of the night. Want me to tell you what happened?" I asked, glancing from the door to him. Why couldn't Liam pick this time to barge in? Maybe then I could get him to explain everything for me... I'm a wimp.

"That'd be lovely."

Ugh, he'll probably hate me after I tell him.

"YOU DID WHAT!" He bellowed, shooting up from his seated position. I had just finished telling him the night's events and as you can see, he wasn't too thrilled about it.

"Why couldn't you have just taken me to a hospital or something?" He snapped, walking towards me. I hadn't explained the "perks" of being a vampire to him yet, so when I say 'walked', it was more like he ran over to me, reaching me in less than a second. He stared at me with wide eyes, his mouth now agape. I chuckled and stood up, closing it for him.

"Don't wanna catch any flies now do you Curly?"

He shook his head and composed himself before glaring at me, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Explain everything to me. Now." He growled, attempting to walk to the bed at a normal -human- pace but failing, seeing as he made it there quicker than usually possible. I sighed and walked over to the bed as well, sitting opposite him.

"Ok, so as you may know, you're a vampire-" He scoffed. I rolled my eyes and continued, "-so of course there's going to be some changes. For instance, all of your senses should be heightened, lightning fast speed, incredible strength, and ninja-like reflexes. Those are the few things that every vampire has. If you're lucky, you might have a special talent or two-" Once again I was interrupted when he spat out,

"Are you fucking serious? Am I in Twilight or some shit?" I let out a rather loud laugh but stopped short when I saw his serious expression. Does he really think that? Ha!

"Please, Twilight is nothing compared to what we can do." I rolled my eyes and sat back, waving a hand dismissively at that nonsense.

"Is there really a difference? So far everything you've told me sounds just like it." He countered, smirking smugly as he also sat back, folding his arms over his chest again.

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