2 Queen

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"You may enter the queen's chambers. She has just woken up from her sleep."

She nods a thank you to the royal servant, and she is ushered into the chamber. The doors are closed behind her and she sees the queen on her chair, facing the window, looking to the outside world. The queen's head tilts slightly, as a sign that she may come to her side. She obeys, and stands rigidly beside the queen. She steals a glance at the queen. Akira is never forbidden to look at the queen directly, but there seems to always be a fear in her that she will be thrown away, or worse, killed. The queen is the only human she fears.

Although she just woke up from her sleep, her beauty is stunning. Her skin looks like they are made of glass, her eyes are almond-shaped and wide, her lips perfectly-shaped and smooth. Becoming the youngest queen in history of Lucida at age 16 back then, she is the craze of the kingdom. To all the people that have seen her, she is a glamorous beauty. People have never protested to her becoming queen even at such a young age. In fact, they look up to her and flatter her. There is mainly one reason why everyone have been glorifying her throught her reigning years: she doesn't have a consort.

Being the only queen that does not stick to the norm of going through an arranged marriage, a lot has been putting up hopes that they may be the next king. There is one rule in the kingdom: people are not allowed to marry outside their ranks. Royalty is only supposed to be paired with royalty. But seeing how their queen is the type to rarely follow the norm, some have been speculating that the queen might even take up a normal citizen as her consort. So those are the speculations.

Akira knows no better, as they have never discussed as much as a royal wedding.

"Your majesty, the thief has been apprehended and executed as per your order."

"Good. You may expect a hefty amount waiting for you." There is a moment of silence. "General Akira, my most trusted soldier."

"Yes, your majesty." She bows her head.

"Ah, stop with all the 'your majesty'. We are friends after all." She lifts up her hand before gracefully folding them together on her lap.

Akira realises she has been holding her breath. She exhales before looking at the queen. Her heart is still beating fast, but what the queen said was true. They are friends after all. Or maybe were friends, considering how a soldier and a queen like her can never be described as friends. They grew up together in the palace: the queen, her and the lieutenant. They were inseparable but everything changed when the queen's parents, the king and queen, were killed in a bloodshed meant for revenge. Forced to ascend to the throne at only 16, only then Akira realizes the severity of their difference in ranks. She and the lieutenant are only children of royal servants. They became friends with the future queen because they were innocent children that do not understand the meaning of their blood. It had never been the same again.

So they parted ways, the two left behind to fend for themselves. But with both of their undeniable combat skills, she and the lieutenant: Jeong Yunho rose up to become the general and lieutenant. They would never be on the same level as the queen, but at least they became closer once again. However, she only addresses her as her 'most trusted soldier' and Yunho as the lieutenant.

Akira understands: why should a queen walk down the path of memories with two servants?

They never mentioned about their past: how they were once close friends and would never go around without each other. Only the servants who have been serving the queen since her parents were still alive know. The newer ones only view them as queen and her most loyal fleet of soldiers.

Until now, it surprises Akira how the queen casually talks about who they once were.

"What is it, your majesty? Your words are my orders." She decides to stick with the title, despite just moments ago of being told not to do so. It sounded like a weird request to her.

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