13 Reveal

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This wasn't her plan yet here she is again, opening her eyes to the same ceiling for the second time. The dull pain that is present at different places all over her body reminds her of yesterday's incident. She leans her head to the left, looking to see if anyone is around. She realizes that she is alone as she looks around, seeing Yeosang's medicinal equipment left unattanded. She sees the dried-up paste over her wounds, and she guesses that the empty bottle on the cabinets was what contained her medicine. Heaving herself up, she fixes her clothes before trying to stand up. She wobbles a bit, but after balancing herself, she manages to walk without any aid. She looks down at her body; she's still in her sleeping attire, which bears a medium-sized tear across her stomach. She inspects the wound on her stomach and hisses in pain as she touches it.

Thinking that she must not stay here any longer and she must get a few things straight, she marches through the hall, trying to look for anyone that she knows. She only passes by servants doing their daily chores and faces that she might have seen once or twice, but none that she recognizes. Her head is slightly heavy but she braces herself to go find someone. She passes through the kitchen, hoping that maybe San would be there. Only the cooks are there and when they look up to see her, there is a flicker of surprise on their faces. News must have traveled through the palace. The ambassador fell from the second floor.

"May I know where they are?"

"And who are you referring to, my lady?" One of the cooks wipes his hands on his apron.

Who... is she looking for? She takes a moment to construct her sentences when she discerns that she doesn't know what their official positions at the palace are. Blacksmith? Gardener? Is that right? "It would be nice if you could tell me where to find Choi San. I really need to talk to him." To someone.

"Ah, Mr. San. You probably haven't heard of it but he hasn't returned to the palace since yesterday. Even the servants around here say they haven't seen him around. The last time he was seen was when he went and visited you after you... got hurt. The other young lads are also not aware of his whereabouts."

"Isn't that something alarming? Shouldn't we go and find him then?"

"Worry not, miss. San always goes missing once in a while, but he always returns when it is time. He doesn't always go missing for long and he has a habit of not informing other people of his whereabouts."

Her body relaxes at his reassurance, and starts looking for the rest. She thinks of someone who would be around the palace. Her best guess would either be Hongjoong, Seonghwa or Jongho. "I would be grateful if you could tell me where to find Kim Hongjoong. Or maybe Park Seonghwa or Choi Jongho."

"I heard they are having a meeting somewhere in the meeting room. If you were to go straight to the hall, right before you enter the door you can see a flight of stairs on your right. Ascend one floor and the meeting room is just before you."

"Thank you."

She practically runs towards her destination, ignoring the pain shooting up every moment she puts her foot down. She needs answers. She follows the correct direction, but only finds the meeting room to be empty. She doesn't lose anymore time as she descends the stairs, almost tripping on the last steps. She hears a ripple of conversation behind the closed giant doors and soon after, she sees the group of people she has been looking for. All of them look glum, but the first to spot her is Wooyoung, who immediately turns brighter.

"Akira! You're finally awake."

He runs towards her and hugs her, to which her body tenses as she's not used to so much intimate physical contact.

"Hey, that's enough. You're crushing her." They surround Wooyoung and Akira.

"Ah, really? I'm sorry." He giggles. "How are you feeling? We were really worried about you."

Ishihara // ATEEZ ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें