4 Dawn

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Another day has come and it is time for her to disembark to the Kingdom of Nyla. Her journey will only be accompanied by the coachman and once she is dropped off, she will be left alone in the foreign kingdom to try and uncover the Shadow King's secret. She heaves her single luggage onto the back of the carriage and hops into the body. She is in one of the queen's exquisite carriage; she is told that all the queen's carriages are dripped in real gold - much like the past, gold is considered an indication of wealthiness. The queen had ordered for the best workman to find the most expensive materials and build exclusive carriages, fit for the ruler of Lucida. The outer part of the vehicle is carved with intricate designs and on top of the boxy vehicle, the emblem of the kingdom is presented with pride. She sinks into the leather seat; even without the colours she knows how well-designed the carriage is.

She almost closes her eyes, waiting for the journey to start, but quickly stands up when she sees the queen ascending the main stairs, accompanied by the lieutenant. Yunho is doing a bad job at hiding his worried face. Akira doesn't expect for her royal majesty and the lieutenant to see her off. She alights the carriage and bows in time as the queen stops in front of her.

"Ah, you don't have to bow to me, Akira," she whispers.

"But people are looking, your majesty." She tilts her head towards the convoy of servants behind and the coachman tending the horse.

"Very well, general. I expect you to be on your best behaviour over there."

"You will hear only the best news, your majesty."

The queen's eyes flick towards the carriage. "That is nice to hear. I hope that you will have a pleasant journey." A small smile plays on the corner of her lips but the queen quickly switches it off. She lifts the hem of her gown and does a dignified turn. "You might want to embark now so that you will be able to arrive there on time." The royal servants part into two, giving space for the queen to ascend the stairs. Like water flowing undisrupted, they tail the queen from behind.

As the heavy doors close behind the royal servants, Akira turns to Yunho, who has been uncharacteristically quiet since the beginning. "If you don't have anything to say, I will be on my way."

He reaches for her arm and lightly pulls it. Looking around, he then drops a small dagger on her open palm. Her eyes open wide in protest, but he puts a finger to his lips. "Use this should you ever run into any problems. Knowing your skills I know you will be able to protect yourself with this."

"Lieutenant-" She tries to pull back her hand but he is adamant. "If the queen ever finds out about this-"

"Then let her. I will answer to her. It's foolish to send you over to someone else's territory without the least bit protection. Especially the Kingdom of Nyla. And it's stupid how you're accepting this mission without knowing that you're walking into a trap."

"If you are so firm on preventing me from going there, then tell the queen to do so." When she receives no answer, she smirks. "See? Even you don't dare to go against her." She spins the dagger around and inserts it on the side of her right boot. "I hope that it will be of no use."

"I hope so too."

She hops onto the carriage and dips her head to bid goodbye. She smiles lightly but he doesn't return it. Instead, he sends her off with heavy eyes. Her last image of him before they leave the palace's compound is his distressed face. Something is making her uneasy, and she is about to find out as she sets off towards her destination.


As soon as they pass the thick foliage that confines the palace and separates it from the rest of the kingdom, they pass by the common square. This is the place the commoners frequent to; a flurry of activities can be seen carried out here. Traders selling their goods, kids in awe as they watch a street magician perform, commoners spending their unfilled day by walking around and even street musicians churning out melodious tunes. Akira's eyes twinkle as she takes in the scenery. Living her life among the troops, she's always out of touch with the moving world. Her world only consists of fights, wars, swords, blood and death. Thinking about it, this is her first proper expedition outside of the palace without bearing the title 'general'. She looks down to her attire; it is also the first time for her to don such a heavy gown. She has to look the part. She is not a general, merely an ambassador.

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