18 Wish

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She hears her stomach rumbling as she peeks through the window, seeing only a back alley and the back of a building, possibly another row of shops. She sees a group of women, in which she assumes are restaurant workers chatting happily with each other while their hands peel potatoes, grind chillies and soak uncooked rice. Her stomach gives another warning as she sees them, and she decides it won't hurt for her to step out for a moment to get something to eat. From the watch on the dressing table, she sees that it's almost noon and considering how she didn't have anything to eat since yesterday, it's only right to feed herself. She doesn't have any food in her luggage and even water is not an option.

She takes a quick shower, decides to dress herself in a woven shirt she had received from Yunho as a birthday present 3 years back, and a pair of worn out pants. She brushes her short hair with her fingers and let them loose. She had tied her hair when she was at the palace, so she hoped that she would be less recognizable if she were ever to bump into any of the palace's occupants when she steps out of the inn. Trying to hide her wounded body as much as possible, she then closes the door behind her, bringing some money with her. She goes down the stairs, nods a greeting to the friendly owner that invited her in and emerges from the double doors.

In contrast with the image this morning, there are more people strolling around town as it comes closer to noon. From the heat that touches her skin, she can tell that the sun is directly above their heads. She purposefully walks on the side instead of in the middle of the walkway as that would make it easier for her in case she needs to escape. Touching her stomach, she looks around for any shop that can at least sustain her hunger until the next morning. She knows that if she wants to stay here as long as possible, she would have to be stingy with the money she currently has. Even staying at the inn costs her every night. She has no means of income, so if she wants to go with her plan, she will have to do it very fast.

She spots a restaurant that sells noodles, and she doesn't have to think anymore when she walks in there, guided by her own hunger. A bell rings as she pushes the door apart, revealing a restaurant that fits around 10 tables. 7 of them are occupied, and she takes on the one in the middle. Equal chances of running away either through the front or the back. She gets handed a menu, to which she barely sees and goes on to order noodles with spicy broth - that would cost her 3 wais. The plain water is self-service and free, so she opts for that. While waiting for her noodles, she carefully studies the other customers.

Smiling couples. Several single people eating. A family with one kid.

What disturbs her is everyone in town seems very... happy. Content.

She could not find beggars anywhere on the street. If it was Lucida, they wouldn't walk a metre without being stopped by a beggar. Once, she had driven a sword through one of them because he was being persistent and she wasn't having the best day. The world around her turned quiet as the body of the beggar dropped on the dirt and no one dared to move a muscle. Even Yunho was shocked at her action, and to be honest, she was too. At herself. It was very impulsive and to this day, she kept remembering it. Yunho had to calm everyone else down while he pulled her away, mumbling about how everyone's lives have its worth and she can't simply kill someone just because he was being a nuisance.

She had shot back, saying that no lives besides the noblemen and royalty are worthy. "Even our lives are meaningless," she had replied, placing back her sword in its cover. It kept him quiet while he ordered the rest of the troop to bury the body somewhere safe. She eyed the body but offered nothing else. She had stomped away alone, leaving Yunho who was desperately trying to mend the situation with the onlookers and chasing her to knock some sense into her. That was when it all started. How news about the palace's soldiers getting a free pass to kill anyone in their way is passed around. No matter if the victim was innocent or not, they could end his or her life right there and then, if the soldiers felt like it. That was when the real fear towards the soldiers started to grow, especially the fear towards the leader, the general, Akira Hwang.

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