Chapter 4 - The Garden of... Atlantis?

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Kharma approached the two Cherubim who were guarding the entrance of Atlantis. They were magnificent creatures, standing perfectly still and each holding a flaming sword across the entrance to the forbidden civilization.

"Rabe, Yani, how's it hanging?" She giggled at herself. The human portrayal of a cherub being a cute little winged baby that's full of love and light was as wrong as wrong could be. These angels were created without a sense of humor and their appearance would make even the most dedicated horror fan quake in fear.

"Abbadon," they answered in unison, another creepy trait of theirs. "Do you wish entrance?"

"Not today. I'm meeting Lucifer here."

The Cherubs looked at one another and then turned their glowing eyes on her. "You know we can't allow Lucifer to enter."

"I know, and I have no intention of taking him inside. I just need to have a little chat with him and this is as good a place as any." The truth was that she wasn't sure how angry Luci might be, and Michael's comment, despite her best efforts, had shaken her just a little. The Cherubs were her insurance policy.

"But enough about me," Kharma raised a hand and sent the raven that appeared through the entrance between Rabe and Yani. In her mind, she could see everything that the bird could see. Inside was a whole universe, an unspoiled paradise, that contained all the Nephilim and their offspring. These creatures once roamed the earth, their legend leading to most of the modern tales of vampires, witches, werewolves, and giants of every kind. When they began to cause problems, the Creator had sent her, Michael, and Gabriel to round them up and put them on a remote island to be guarded by cherubim and seraphim.

Of course, humans being the curious bonebags they are, a small group landed on the shores and at least one got away. Thus the rumors and stories about Atlantis, and the spectacular species of humans that it contained, began. Father took matters into his own hands by banishing the entire population to Eden.

"Are the sons and daughters of the Nephilim behaving themselves?" she asked Yani.

"There's been no rebellion in the last millennia," she answered and Kharma tried smiling but only managed a weird grimace. Some day she was going to get up the nerve to ask the Creator just what he was thinking when he made these particular angels.

"Surely you've learned by now that Cherubs suck at small talk, little sis."

Kharma spun around to see Luci watching her with a raised eyebrow. A huge smile crossed her face and she stepped into his open arms.

"How I've missed you, brother."

"I almost believe you, sister," he said, and while his tone was light and joking, his expression was anything but.

Kharma sighed before reaching out to take Lucifer's hand in hers. "I can love you and disagree with you at the same time."

"You embarrassed me, Kharma. Vlad even had the nerve to ask if you were more powerful than me." His face went almost purple at the memory. "And I couldn't even kill him because I need him to fulfill the prophecy."

Kharma grimaced. She knew that his pride was very dear to Luci. "I'm sure you set him straight."

"Yes...," he mused while a terrifying grin broke out on his face. "It took him a few days to recover from the things I showed him I was capable of."

"Don't tell me, you put on your horrifying devil face for him and showed him your favorite torture devices." Kharma and Luci had long ago developed creepy versions of themselves to use when needed, because it was hard to properly scare a human when you were as breathtakingly gorgeous as they were. Humans had a bad habit of equating beauty with goodness.

"Or maybe I let him see my angel face while I performed every Kama sutra position on his wife," he answered with just enough swagger that Kharma thought he might be telling the truth.

"Either way, I hope you're over being mad at me."

Lucifer narrowed his dark eyes and slowly began circling her. "It's going to take more than a weak declaration of love to restore our relationship."  She felt every fiber of her being go on high alert, and while she tried to stay completely still, the feathers in her wings quivered. She knew he saw it because he chuckled deep in his throat. "I see you're expecting retaliation."

"I know you'd never hurt me, Luci. I really do. I just let Michael get me worked up."

"Ah, I should have known. Our pious older brother will never let me forget Uriel. He takes great pleasure in reminding me of it... as if I could forget." Kharma heard the regret and that regret is what gave her hope that her plan would work.

"Listen, I asked you here because I want you to stop this reckless path you're going down," she said with the tone he called her 'mom voice'.

Lucifer scoffed. "Well, you just wasted both our time. I've made up my mind and we're too far down the path now."

"It can still be stopped. The prophecy is fluid, you know that."

"I don't want it to stop. And apparently dear old dad doesn't either. Otherwise he'd have sent Gabriel and Michael to stop me."

"Actually, he sent me. Or rather, he allowed me to interfere."

This news stopped him in his tracks. The brother and sister stared at one another, so much alike that they could be twins. They were the only angels whose feathers were ebony instead of white. Their hair was the same shade and their eyes were such a deep violet that one would swear they were also black.

"Why, Kharma? Why do you care if this earth comes to an end? You got your forgiveness so you'll reign with him and our brothers. I'm the only one who'll be in Hell for eternity." A scowl covered his face when he spoke of the dark and lonely place he was headed to.

"Do you think I want that for you? Luci...," her voice cracked on his name and he finally made eye contact with her. "It will torment my every moment knowing you're suffering."

His features softened as he saw the tears filling her eyes. "Listen, it means a lot to me that you're that worried about me, but whether it's now or another millennia, this is gonna happen. I just want to get it over with."

"I want more time, Luci."

"I don't think so, sis." He turned as if to leave. "Now, please quit interfering."

"What about a friendly little wager?"

Lucifer stopped and slowly turned back to her. With narrowed eyes he asked, "What exactly do you have in mind."

Kharma felt a smile take over her face and her heart did a flip. Her plan was officially underway.

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