Chapter 6 - All That Glitters

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For the third day in a row, Lucifer stood across the street from the entrance of the Soul's Harbor Homeless Shelter And Food Kitchen. Everyday the doors opened from eleven in the morning and five in the evening to feed whoever showed up. For the two hours the doors were open, she would stand in the doorway handing out hugs and handshakes to each and every person — no matter how grimy or smelly they were.

Kharma had been right about her light. It was beyond just bright white, it glittered as if filled with diamond dust. Already, he'd become aware of various angels and demons hovering around. Naturally, as soon as they realized he was there, they fled. Now he understood the mark that his sister placed on Jane's arm proclaiming her as 'off limits'.

Beyond her light, the nun was also a beautiful woman. Her face was open and welcoming with strong bone structure and large eyes. Not for the first time, Lucifer wished he could see her hair. While she wore street clothes — jeans and a short-sleeved T-shirt — her hair was covered by a habit.

He watched the last person in the evening food line enter the building, followed by Jane who would close up the entrance door. Just before entering the door this time, she turned and made eye contact with him. He was deep in the shadows and yet she smiled directly at him. As he stood, transfixed, she waved a hand in greeting.

"I hope you'll join us tomorrow!" she shouted. "Everyone is welcome, friend."

Then she disappeared inside. Lucifer watched her go and wondered if she'd known it was him or just another homeless man. Either way, he knew he would accept her invitation. It was time to get to know Saint Jane.


"I wondered if you'd show up today."

Lucifer turned in the pew to watch her approach. She had a smile on her face, but he could sense a bit of nervousness hiding underneath. She sat at the end of the pew, a few feet away. He couldn't help but chuckle.

"I guess you were hoping to have an audience to our meeting? Or are you afraid my presence in this chapel will cause lightening bolts or spontaneous fire?" He raised a perfectly sculpted sable eyebrow.

Her teal blue eyes widened briefly and then she threw her head back and laughed. The sound was that of children playing on a warm summer day and Lucifer found himself first relaxing, and then joining her.

Jane wiped her eyes and turned in the pew until she was facing him. This close he was able to see that her eyelashes, free from any makeup, were long and tawny brown. She also had a smattering of freckles across her face that added to the youthful aura.

"You got me. I admit I was nervous to meet you. I apologize."

"Apologize?" Lucifer was incredulous. "You'd have been insane to not be nervous. I am the Devil, after all."

"Yes, but I judged you based on your past. I spend my whole life telling these men and women who walk in my doors that their past is gone and only their future matters. Why would I treat you any different? It's not the example that Yeshua gave us."

Lucifer stared at the woman for several seconds. He had to hand it to Kharma, she'd found a rare gem in this woman. But, he'd spent many millennia with humans and he'd been able to corrupt and devour some of the most pious souls over that time. Humans always had a weakness that could be exploited. The free will that his Father was so fond of was ultimately what would bring down the human 'experiment'.

"My sister was certainly right about you. You have an incredibly unique outlook."

"Kharma is an intense woman in every sense of the word," Jane said with a genuine smile. "But I believe her most intense emotions are reserved for how she feels about you."

"She is quite protective of me, isn't she?"

"Oh, yes. I don't know what exactly is going on between the two of you, but she's both angry and sad about it."

"Did you know she was going to send me to you?"

"We spoke about you at length, so it's not a surprise to see you." She replied without really answering. "However, I have a very full schedule this afternoon, so can we make an appointment to talk more another time?"

Lucifer didn't know whether to be offended or amused. This woman was sitting next to the Enemy and was treating him as if he was just another acquaintance. He found himself being charmed, despite his best effort. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well, if you can be here by 7:30 tomorrow morning, I'd love to take you to the heart of the battlefield."


"That's right, Lucifer. And it's one you should be familiar with... it's where I lead a battle against you. For souls."

They stood together and Lucifer bent over her hand, placing a warm kiss on the back of it. When they made eye contact he winked. "I shall wear my finest armor in that case, as I have a feeling you are a very formidable opponent."

Once outside in the fresh air and clear blue skies, he shook his head to clear it. He marveled at the nun's composure and righteousness. Walking away he shook his head as the thought entered his mind, Saint Jane would give even his brother Michael a run for his money.

The Name's Kharma - Miss Reaper if You're Nasty Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя