Chapter 7 - Blood in the Cut

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Kharma stood outside the doors of an obscenely large and ornate building. Inside, Matthew Roman was putting on the performance of his life. He stood at the podium and preached his bastardized religion to thousands of ignorant humans who couldn't get enough of the ridiculous 'prosperity gospel'.

With every new bit of information she found out about the man, the more it took for her not to simply kill him. However, she needed to at least play this game long enough to avoid making Luci suspicious of her bigger plan.

When the next round of thunderous applause started, Kharma walked into the double glass doors and made her way to the main entrance of the Auditorium. There were two large men stationed there and when they got a look at her skin tight armor, feather cape, and weapons belt, they immediately moved to stop her. Anticipating their move, she raised a fist and they fell unconscious on the floor.

The doors flung open and she strolled down the aisle, slowly. The second that Matthew laid eyes on her, he stumbled over the impassioned plea for the resources he needed for some project or another.

"... find it in your heart... t-to.... give a-an amount that y-you f-feel is...." he stopped altogether and looked around for his fleet of bodyguards. He motioned for them to intercept the strange woman walking towards him, but as soon as they made a move she yet again raised her fist and they all dropped to the floor.

Now, he stood silent as she sauntered her way to the steps, climbing them until she was standing next to him. Slowly, she circled the preacher and when he was just about to speak again, she shook her head so he swallowed instead.

Kharma was having a ball. The fool was as scared as she'd ever seen a human. He was practically pissing himself. She turned from his shaking frame and leaned over the microphone.

"Everyone should calmly rise from your seats and make your way home now."  They all rose in unison and began moving towards the exit. "Oh, and forget what Mr. Roman said about making an offering. Instead, take that money and share it with your closest homeless shelter."

That done, she turned back to Mr. Roman. He was still frightened, but had regained some of his composure. Covering the microphone with his hand he asked, "Did Satan send you?"

She couldn't help but laugh. "Are you seriously the best he could do?" she asked while shaking her head.

"I-" he started before she cut him off.

"It was a rhetorical question. Jeez, you're as dumb as you are pathetic." She continued the onslaught of insults to keep him off guard.

"To answer your question, nobody sends me to do anything. But it was my darling brother, Lucifer, who told me about you and what a deliciously evil douchebag you are."

"Wh-what do you want from me?" She almost admired the man for having the guts to ask that question... almost.

"Oh, I have lots of fun things in mind for you and I, Matthew," she laughed as sinisterly as she could muster and watched the color drain from his face. "But first things first, I hear you're giving credit for many of my deeds to my Father." Kharma stopped and peered directly into the man's eyes. Her own deep purple irises opened wide and he watched a memory of being called on for an answer by the teacher in fourth grade. It had been an answer he knew perfectly well just minutes before.

"Do you know why you couldn't give the answer to that question, Matt?"

"No. It was an easy answer and I was the smartest kid in that classroom," he answered with a bit of a whine.

"No, actually you weren't. You were just the loudest and on top of that you were a bully. There were plenty of other smart children sitting in that room, they were just scared to answer."

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