Chapter 12 - A Fly on the Wall

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Three months into the bet and Lucifer was not as confident as he thought he'd be at this point. While he knew that Jane had grown incredibly fond of him, perhaps to the point of wanting to see him every day, she didn't seem any closer to falling in love with him.

He was going to have to pull out all the stops.

The lunch crowd was nearly gone when he arrived at the shelter. The first person Lucifer encountered was Donnie, who was now a full-time employee of the Shelter and Kitchen. Jane was having him work with some of the counselors and she was very happy with his progress.

"Greetings, Donnie," Lucifer said as he neared the young man. "Are you keeping everything in order for our dear Jane?"

"Yes, sir!" Donnie replied and his face was as bright as the red hair on his head. "at least I'm trying. It's hard to get her to let any responsibilities go."

"I can imagine," Lucifer replied. "Where is she now?"

"She's filming a segment for the YouTube channel in her office."

Lucifer bowed while pressing his palms together and set out towards Jane's office. Donnie yelled after him in a gesture of futility.

"Wait, Lucifer... she didn't want to be disturbed."

As soon as he was out of sight, Lucifer disappeared and manifested as a fly on the wall of her office. Literally.

"...if we look past all the noise of Paul's letters that are directions for those who are already believers, and focus on the words of Christ himself, then we can get a clear picture of what it takes to win souls. His example is to love and forgive and meet the sinners where they live. Why should we expect to do anything less?"

Jane paused and shook her head before looking back into the camera. "Hiding in our churches and judging one another and visitors on their appearance and lifestyle, is not "feeding the sheep" or expanding the Kingdom in any way. We must go where we can do the most good."

Lucifer was struck by the irony of a Catholic nun encouraging people to spend less time in church. Had he been in human form he'd have had a good laugh.

"Now, let me take a few minutes to talk about the Persecuted church and The Faithful church. These churches we not given corrections by Christ. We know we have much to learn from them, and I'd love to see some further discussion in the comments about this. You know that I believe the Faithful church is the Christians who have followed his directions to spread the gospel to all people and all nations regardless of the personal cost. And the Persecuted church are those who endure extreme personal discomfort — whether physical or emotional — and yet remain true to the Great Commission."

Jane paused, and watched the fly that was crawling slowly on the wall opposite her. A bemused smile lifted her lips and then she looked back into the laptop camera. "God, in the form of Jesus Christ, gave us the formula to experience his Kingdom here on Earth. And despite what today's version of the Pharisees, such as Matthew Roman, will tell you... it's not wealth and power. No, it's reaching a place where you feel genuine love for all of His Children and creations. When you reach a point where you value nothing on earth more than you value adding souls to Heaven, then you'll know true peace. Let's talk about it in the comments."

When she finished, she shut the laptop and then said, "I know you're here, Lucifer. Come on out."

He appeared in a chair in front of her desk. "How did you know I was here?"

"There's a place near the crook of my arm that tingles whenever you or Kharma come near." Almost unconsciously, she scratched the spot and Lucifer could see the symbol that Kharma marked her with clearly.

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