Chapter one

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Chapter one
Moving in

When me and Bella landed in Forks, I was excited, Bella not so much. I loved it here. The blanket of clouds that covered the little town; that cried almost every day of the year, and the frozen wonderland of ice that came on most days. But Bella hated it. She hated anything to do with the cold.

I missed my dad, but when Bella stopped coming I did to. Why? I have no idea. Probably because me and Bella do everything together.
Before our parents split, they used to say we were two peas in a pod; joined at the hip. Which we still are,
We tell each other everything. Usually Bella tells me about a book she is reading, boring but I still listen. Because she listens to me going on and on about any cute boy that had caught my attention for the month.

We walked through the airport grabbing our luggage than walking to the exit where we see dad standing beside the police cruiser. I hated the car, nothing slowed down traffic worst than a cop car.

"Dad!" I hollered running up to him.
"Hey Alex. I missed you." He said hugging me. I smiled at him.
I was always closest to dad, I don't know why considering, he likes to watch football and I have no idea what any of it means. He tried to teach me about it but I never understood.
Bella had finally made her way over, they shared a few words but both of them were awkward.

As we were driving home dad tried to make conversation with Bella but it wasn't really working.
I was staring out the window, watching as the tree pass by. I had always love the woods in Forks, it's where I spent most my time when I came here.

When we pulled up to the house, I smiled it still looked the same.
Jumping out of the car, i hurried and grabbed my luggage with wasn't a lot and ran inside. Everything was the Same not only on the outside but in the inside too. I walked upstairs to my old room, to find it a little bit different. Like the pillows and dresser but that was it.

"I've cleared some shelves off in the bathroom

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"I've cleared some shelves off in the bathroom." Dad said helping Bella with her things.
"Right, one bathroom." Bella said. Me and Bella had our own bathrooms back in Arizona, but even then. I didn't really keep any of my things in there. They mostly stayed in a little box I kept in my dresser.
Which included,
Face wash stuff
Tooth paste
Tooth brush in a little carry case
Strawberry smelling shampoo and conditioner.

I had always loved the smell of strawberries, so most of the things I used were strawberry smelling.
I got out all of my things and placed them in the box putting it in my dresser. Pulling out my clothes and putting them away, some books I brought with me and all my shoes.
I kinda have a shoe obsession. Oops.

After I was done with everything I walked down stairs to find dad at the kitchen table.
"Hey dad, have you cooked dinner?" I asked him looking in the fridge.
"I haven't cooked dinner ever since y'all stopped coming." He said laughing a little.
"What you eat down at the diner every night?" He nodded.
"Dad that is very bad for you." He chuckled.
I sighed.
There was a honk outside, I looked at dad who smiled. Getting up and walking out the door, to find a red truck sitting in the driveway.
I followed after dad as he stopped in front of a man in a wheelchair and a boy who looked around 16. I furrowed my eyes before smiling.
"Billy?" I asked.
"Hey Alex long time no see." He said laughing.
"Still looking good." Before he could say anything, Bella walked out.
"Bella you remember Billy Black?" Dad asked her.
"Yeah, Wow. You're looking good." I rolled my eyes. I knew Bella way to well to know that she was lying about remembering him.
I walked over to jacob.
"I see you're still rocking that hair style." I said smiling at him.
"Hey, watch your self." He laughed.
Jacob was younger than Bella. And I was older than bella, but me and Jacob still hung out when we could do on the Rez.
"I'm glad you guys are finally here. Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming." I laughed.
"All right, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you in the mud." Dad retorted.
"After I ram you in the ankles." Billy replied after that, they started playing out in the street. I couldn't help but smile seeing dad having so much fun.
"Hi, I'm jacob." Jacob said to bella.
"We used to make mud pies when we were little. Well except for Alex, he didn't like the mud." He said chuckling a little looking at me.
"What it makes you dirty." I told him scoffing a little.
"Right no. I remember." Wow this is awkward. Leave it to bella to make anything awkward.
I kinda spaced out until dad came over patting the truck that was sitting in the drive way.
"So, what do you think?"
"Of what?" Bella asked. I didn't really care about he truck. Cars just didn't excite me.
"You homecoming present." Dad told us.
"This?" Bella seemed way to excited. I just stood there.
Jacob started talking about rebuilding the engine for us and everything. But I got bored, don't get me wrong I love it, but I don't really like cars, the only thing I know about them is if I think they are pretty or not.

Bella opened the door, accidentally hitting Jacob in the process. I smiled at them.
Jacob had always thought bella was the cutest person ever. He's had a crush on her before he even knew what a crush was. I found it cute though.

Dad looked at me.
"I know, I know. You don't really like cars, but I couldn't think of anything to get you. I don't know what you like, you change you mind about what you like more than anyone I know." I laughed.
"It's okay dad, I love it." I told him smiling.

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