Chapter 4- The Interview

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*Brielle POV

"Okay, I can do this!" I try to pep talk myself, looking into the mirror at my outfit.

'Is this good enough? He's pretty perfect, is the rest of his office like that?'

'Is this good enough? He's pretty perfect, is the rest of his office like that?'

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*30 minutes later

"Hi, my name is Brielle. I'm here to interview for the personal assistant position," I announce as I enter the office.

The receptionist stares at me with a blank look. "What personal assistant job?"

"Umm..." I start to get nervous, worried that this was another failed attempt.

"Eh hemmmm," his voice booms thru the marble lobby when he clears his throat. "Yes, Brielle is here to interview for my personal assistant position." Lars announces.

The receptionist gulps nervously, "of course, Ms. Brielle. Can I get you water, coffee, tea?" Her clueless attitude changes in an instant.

"Water, please."

She nods her head and hands me a bottle of Voss water.

"Wow, Voss? High class," I joke, bringing a smirk to Lars' face.

Walking into his office, I'm in awe of it. Not only is it giant, it's floor to ceiling glass windows overlooking the busy streets of New York City. It's decorated with simple clean lines and a modern, sleek feel. It fits him perfectly.

"This is amazing," I compliment.

He chuckles before turning and looking out the giant windows, "yeah...yeah it is." He clears his throat, and holds out his hand, ushering me to sit in the chair in front of his desk.

"First and foremost, welcome to New York, Ms. Williams," he starts.

"Thank you, Mr. Moretti. Here is my resume," I hand him the piece of paper.

He looks it over quickly before putting it to the side, "As impressive as your school accolades are, I don't need to know them. What I need to know is how important loyalty is to you."

His dark eyes are peering deep into mine, piercing through them looking right at my soul.

I gulp at the intensity, but answer looking him straight back in the eye, "extremely important."

He nods approvingly, "I can tell you're telling the truth."

"I rarely lie," I bluntly say, earning another deep chuckle from him.

"You impress me, Ms. Williams." His eyes twinkle, still holding contact with mine. I know whole heartedly his compliment is sincere.

"Thank you," I sheepishly say, looking down at my hands in my lap.

"So the job will be as my personal assistant, executive assistant, secretary, sidekick...whatever you wanna call it. I wear a lot of different hats, are you able to keep up with that?"


"Perfect. Then I think we're all set here for the job interview. You can start Monday, 8 A.M. sharp."

I smile broadly, "seriously?!"

He laughs, the sound sending butterflies to my stomach.

"Your enthusiasm and sincerity is....refreshing. Yes you have the job, the interview is over."

I slightly wince at what seems to be a harsh statement and my smile drops.

"Oh..yeah, of course. You're a busy man. Um...thank you, Mr. Moretti," I stand up and stick out my arm to shake his hand.

He smirks, letting out another low chuckle, "I said the interview was over. I didn't say you could go yet."

I start to open my mouth to question him, but he beats me to the punch.

"I'd like for you to go to dinner with me," he says boldly.

"Oh, Mr. Moretti, I'm not sure if that's appropriate now that I'm working for you.." I trail off, in disbelief that I'm even trying to say no to this hot ass man.

He snorts, "I'm the boss, and I say it's fine. Dinner tomorrow? I'll pick you up, say around 9 P.M. Does that work?"

My smile lights up my face and I blush looking down while I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Yes, that's perfect."

"See you then, Brielle." He smiles and the way he says my name sends shivers down my spine.

I nod and start to turn to leave the office. I stop in my tracks and turn to face him again.

"This isn't some sort of cliche, you're the hot, powerful, married CEO and I'm the young secretary you cheat on your trophy wife with right?"

I couldn't stop myself, I had to ask. Oops.

His laugh booms through the office, and it sounds like music to my ears.

"No, Brielle. I can assure you, I am single. I haven't found the right woman to lock down..." he pauses looking me up and down before continuing, "yet."

I freeze and butterflies shoot through me. "Okay well, I'll see you tomorrow then. Byeeeeee!" I say, before practically running out of the room.

I barely make it outside before I start jumping up and down. "Oh my god!" I exclaim out loud, earning me looks from strangers passing by. I don't care, nothing can get me down right now. I turn towards the next person I see and gleefully say, "high five!"

My high five is met, and I smile, putting my headphones in and walk towards home on cloud nine.

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