Chapter 13- His Place

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*Brielle POV

"Are we still going to trivia?" I ask Lars, sitting in the passenger seat of his black car.

I love how he drives with one hand rested on my thigh and one hand on the wheel. There's something so sexy about a guy driving like that.

"I thought we could do pizza and a movie at my place?"

I gulp. 'I've never been to his place before.'

But butterflies and excitement take over, making me smile. "Sounds great!"

Lars grins and we speed off towards his place.

"Holy shit," I slowly say, mouth wide open, gaping at his apartment. "This place is giant, like huge, like giant..."

He laughs, "yeah paid a pretty penny for it, but it's worth it. I love unwinding here at the end of the day."

"I can see why," I agree.

All of the walls are ceiling to floor windows and you overlook all of New York. It's impeccably decorated, with a modern feel.

"So tell me....why do we ever hang out at my place?" I joke.

He chuckles, heading towards the kitchen. He pulls out two wine glasses and a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. "I've been wanting to invite you over for a while now."

"So where are we getting pizza from?" I ask, taking a sip of wine.

Lars face looks amused, "you think we're ordering pizza? Hell no, I'm making it."

"I'm impressed," I mock his amused expression.

"Keep me company in here?" He asks, motioning for me to sit at the counter.

"So what happened today, that made you so angry?" I decide to ask.

His face tightens a bit, "incompetent people."

"That's your answer? Really?"

He sighs, "Caleb gave some of our products away to the wrong people. Our loyal customers are going to be very, very upset when they find this out. They're going to think we betrayed them."

I snort, "seems kinda dramatic. I'm sure they'll be understanding."

This time he snorts, "oh, I wish Brielle, I wish."

'Why would that be such a big deal?' I think to myself, before shaking my head, clearing my thoughts.

"Can I ask you about what happened today?" Lars hesitantly questions.

I let out a breath, not wanting to tell him everything yet.

"Well, I had an abusive ex boyfriend...he had bad anger issues..." I trail off, not wanting to go into detail.

Lars starts chopping the salad vegetables a little harder, clenching his jaw. "Somebody hurt you?" He asks, clearly holding back his anger.

"It's in the past. I'm okay. I'm alive and I got away from him, that's what matters," I reach out and touch his arm. "Just seeing you so angry, idk it's like a switch went off in my head."

"Have you had that happen before to you? The flashbacks?"

"Yeah, every now and then I'll have flashbacks. Sometimes nightmares. Hyper vigilance. Stuff like that."

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