Chapter 18- Run.

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*Brielle POV

My heart is racing, my palms are sweaty, and I am sure I look like a paranoid crazy person. But I can't get caught.

I follow Lars and Eva's brothers into the same part of town I was lost in when I met Lars.

Watching from a few buildings away, I see two massive, scary men, pull something into an alley.

My eyes go wide when I realize what they're pulling.

A man, a kicking, screaming, and crying man.

I'm now inching up closer, careful to be as silent as a mouse.

"Man, please. Please. I'll tell you anything, I swear. I fucking swear. Please!" The guy on the ground is begging at the two men that dragged him out.

I get closer, hiding behind the dumpster in the same alley.
"Here comes Boss," one of them says, and they both straighten up their posture.

Lars walks up, Eva's brothers in unison a couple steps behind him.

'Lars is "Boss". "Boss" is Lars. What the fuck?' I think in my head.

The man on the ground goes silent, looking up at Lars.

Lars doesn't hesitate, he slams his fist right into the man's jaw, causing blood to come flying out of the man's mouth.

"I swear man, I swear. I'll tell you anything you want," the guy is crying, pleading for his life.

"You fucking tried to set my men up the other night," Lars voice is terrifying as he addresses the man. "Why would I trust a fucking thing you've got to say?"

"Please," the man tries to beg.

"You never learn your lesson, do you?" Lars says shaking his head.

The next events happen in slow motion, as Lars takes out a gun of his coat, puts it to the mans head and pulls the trigger.

Blood splatters all in Lars' face and on his arms.  The mans body flops over.

My mind is too slow to stop myself, and I gasp.

I gasp LOUDLY.

'Run.' My brain screams at me.

But there I stood; with my mouth wide open, my hands shaking, and my legs frozen. My boss looks up from his victim that is laying dead at his feet before wiping his bloodied hands on his shirt. As he saunters over to me, with a devilish hint in his eyes, all I could think about was how freaking pissed I was for my own body betraying my mind when it told me to run.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes as he reaches his red stained hands towards my face, knowing this could be my last moment on Earth.

Bracing myself for death to happen upon me, I clench my eyes shut tighter and curse myself for not being more brave.

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