Chapter 16- "I'm Crazy About You"

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*Brielle POV

Lars and I sat in silence the whole way home. His knuckles were white from clenching the steering wheel as he drove through the dark, stormy night.

"So, what the hell was that?" I ask as we walk through the door into his beautiful apartment.

He scoffs, "what was what?"

I roll my eyes, and huff out loud. Tilting my head to the side with one eyebrow raised, I ask, "seriously? Maybe the fact you all had guns drawn and looked pretty comfortable and use to holding one. Or maybe the fact that you all have the same god damn tattoo. Or maybe the weird hesitation before you told me those guys work for you."

"Brielle, drop it," Lars warns.

"No, I'm not going to fucking drop it!"

Lars stares straight ahead, his jaw tightly closed.

"Lars, I'm talking to you." I demand, standing my ground.

He looks at the ground and swallows hard, "look...there are things about my life, that I don't want to involve you in. It's better if you don't know."

I sigh, still standing my ground by the kitchen island.

'This is it, I'm about to tell this man everything I feel about him.'

"Lars, I want to be the person you open up to, the person you talk to, the person you trust the most. When I met you my whole world got turned upside down. I'm crazy about you. Please open up to me."

He snaps his head towards me, hunger in his dark eyes. That hot dangerous devilish look appears.

Next thing I know, he's right in front of me, his eyes looking directly into mine.

His hand goes to the back of my head, holding me firmly. "You're my girl. You've got it?"

I bite my lip, and nod. I'm at a lost for words, and so turned on.

He grabs my hand, and pulls it to his groin so I can feel how hard his dick is pressing against his jeans. "And I'm you're man. You've got it?"

Once again, I just nod, lost in his seduction.

"This is yours, all yours." He guides my hand softly over his erection before he returns my arm to my side.

"And this..." he grabs the crotch of my pants, toying me over my clothes, "this is mine. All mine."

I close my eyes and tilt my head back enjoying the feeling.

His hand then traces up to my lips, and he gently rubs his thumb over them, "and these are mine."

Slowly, his hand makes his way down my body and he stops, poking his finger into my chest where my heart is. "And this is mine, all mine."

"All yours," I echo, ready to pounce on him.

With that agreement, Lars picks me up and sets me down on the kitchen counter.

We lose track of time, as he spends the rest of the night slowly pleasuring me, before claiming  himself inside me.

*The Next Morning

I wake up in Lars' muscular arms. I smile at his innocent face as he softly snores.

Popping out of bed, I straighten myself up, and throw on some clothes before hopping to the kitchen to make breakfast for us.

As I stir the pancake mix, I turn on the T.V. to the local news.

"In other news, a body has been found outside the popular nightclub, Caliente (*Authors note, I made up this club. I know nothing about New York City).  The identity of this man is now being released. His name is, Julio Rameriaz and is rumored to be tied to the Mexican Cartel. Anyone with information or tips should contact..."

I zone out the rest of what the news anchor is saying.

'Didn't Lars tell me to stay out of that area last night?''

Interrupting my thoughts, I hear Lars walk into the kitchen. "Glad I told you to stay in last night, I just had a weird feeling about the night," he says in his raspy morning voice.

Smiling his dangerous, signature smile, he grabs me into his arms and kisses me.

Just like that, any shade of doubt slips away. 'There's no way he knew about this, he must've just really had a weird feeling.'

"Oh pancakes.." He dips his finger into the mix I'm still stirring, and licks it off. "Yum.." he says before turning the channel to Cartoon Network.

I roll my eyes at his childish pick and laugh.

'Yeah absolutely no way.'

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